"Make me vampire." Jaquine said as he pushed passed every one and started through the house, my head was bouncing around but I was aware of my mom and dad following us along with several very large men. "She just needs me, she will calm quickly."

"How can you be sure?" My dad asked.

"Because I can feel her need." And Jack was right I did feel better touching him, my body didn't have pins and needles any more and I felt whole again, it was amazing one minute I thought I was going to lose my mind and the next I'm feeling great. I put my hands on Jack's ass and pushed myself up so I could look at my parents. "I'm sorry, I think I'm okay now."

"Put her down." My dad told Jack, Jack stopped then turned to face my parents which left me facing a beautiful staircase that led to the second floor.

"She needs me with her."

"She may need you with her but she doesn't need your hand on her ass." I felt Jack hand move off my bottom then laugh out loud, he smacked my ass hard and I could only imagine the look on my dads face as he lowered me slowly to the ground and with every inch I moved down his body I felt little electrodes shoot into my skin. I had to rub my arms to get rid of the sensation when my feet hit the floor.

Jack moved away from me at the look my dad gave him and I almost started to panic so he came back putting a hand on the small of my back. I sighed in relief which made my dad swear turn and walk away from us, I was going to call to him but my mom stopped me taking my hand into hers, I looked down at our hands intertwined feeling sad all of a sudden. "Sorry about in the car, I don't know what was wrong with me." I said looking up at my mom.

"I know what was wrong with you, you should never have been put in that kind of danger when I felt you break I got here as fast as I could but your family wouldn't let me come to you right away, I had to threaten to tear down this house down brick by brick to get to see you."

"No one was asking your opinion Jaquine."

"Is dad going to stay mad at me." I said as tears threatened to escape again, I looked at Jaquine who was standing beside me and shook my head no hoping he would get the hint not to talk.

"Oh honey, he's not mad at you he's just scared for you, I told him everything that has happened since he left and his blaming himself for your bonded state."


"He feels guilty leaving us." My mom said then smiled at me. "Minnow, are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah, mom I think I am but I need to talk to Jack, is there some place I can have a private conversation with him." My mom looked between us and I inwardly cringed at the look she gave Jack but she didn't say anything just started walking until she stopped in front of a door. "This is the library it will be private enough. Jaquine the house is full of vampires that are on edge don't give them a reason."

"A reason to what." I asked.

"Nothing, Minnow, your mother is just being motherly." My mom gave Jack a glare, he laughed and I walked through the door into the library, I had enough drama tonight to last a lifetime I didn't need to be in the middle of whatever was going on between them even though I know its about me. The room was large with shelves lining all the walls and every shelf was crammed full of books. There were two leather chairs positioned by a large bay window with a little antique table between them. There was a long cushion done in a burgundy material on the window seat that was deep enough for a person to almost stretch out on and still face the middle of the room, so that is where I went and sat as it looked comfortable and I was exhausted.

I watched Jack and my mom exchange some words then my mom shut the door in his face, he didn't do anything right away but stood there breathing heavily for a moment before he turned around and faced me. Even though I had only left him this morning I forgotten how truly breath taking he was and I actually gasped which turned my cheeks a bright pink and the way he was looking at me reminded me of every naughty thing I had ever seen or read about so that added to the redness and when he started towards me slowly a small smile crept to his lips which my eyes latched on to right away. God his mouth was perfect.

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