I stared at her for a moment, seeing how hard it was for her to let go of me. Yes, we bicker and fight allot but what sisters don’t? I know she only fights with me because she cares. I smiled at her, “Thanks Mat, I appreciate that.”

She smiled back, “Big steps are coming ahead. Adulthood sucks but you’ll get use to it.”

“Hopefully my life gets boring. I had enough surprises in my life.” I said as we both giggled.

“Us boring? Never.” she said. “Let something bring that wild alpha out and hell hath no fury with you then.”

“Really? We both know whose worse.” I said and she shrugged grinning.

She reached up and pulled some wet hair out of my face, “You look different. I mean, you seem so much more mature. Maybe because of your transformation but you just seem older now.”

“I’m still Aeriela, Mat.” I told her.

She stared at me for a moment before nodding, “I know.” She lowered her hands, “There’s this really cute baby store in town I saw. They have some cute stuff there. Lizaveta wants to work trying to induce labor so she’ll join us. We’ll eat then go.” she said chuckling.

I nodded, “Sure. Sounds good.”

She stood up, “Great. Well I’m gonna go help cook.”

I smiled, “Mat famous pancakes.”

She winked before walking out of my room and closing the door behind her. I stood up from my bed and walked over to my mirror. I appeared every way the same but like Mat said, I feel much older.


I hurried over to Zakaria room. I pressed my ear against the and heard very steady breathing. I opened the door and quickly ran over to the bed where he was sleeping until I jumped onto the bed and on top of him.

“Morning!” I said cheerfully.

His body jerked roughly as he woke up and he was startled at first. He looked at me with sleepy eyes and he groaned as his head went back but chuckled, “You should be sleeping the afternoon away. How can you be so awake?”

“I don’t know but I have all this energy.” I said. I rolled off of him and onto the bed, spreading my arms out as I stared up at the ceiling where very old wallpaper was but it gave a nice old fashion look. “Everything is—wonderful. The air clearer, I can hear birds in the sky, and I can smell the breakfast being made downstairs.”

Zakaria rolled over to face me, “I can only imagine since you are wild wolf.”

I turned my head, “We’re both still wolves, Zakaria. It makes me no different.”

“It does though really. It’s proven you are more wolf than me.” he said, making me frown. He smiled, “Hey, I am alright with that. You're mine, I can happily say that.”

I brought my hand up to his face, “Zakaria, we’re both equal though. Enough with that though, I finally transformed.”

He brought his hand down to my chin and lightly grasped it, “I can't wait till those eyes turned into that yellow-blue color.”

I stared up at him for a moment but something about the way he spoke about my wildness—it didn't much flatter me.

I took his hand in mine and smiled, “Mat and Lizaveta going into town. You should come along, maybe I can find some wedding magazines. Sure I won’t understand but I want the wedding to be a mixture of both our cultures.”

He sighed heavily, “As much as I want to—because I really can’t wait to marry you—I'm still my brother Beta and I have to drive three away to handle this switches with a family.”

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now