Chapter Nineteen - Plotting

Start from the beginning

        A throwing knife whizzed past the French-Canadian's head and embedded itself in the wall next to him.

        "Don't you dare say I can't hold that against him! He killed my grandfather, my last living relative-!"

        "Isn't Flavio your last living relative?" inquired Lutz, which earned him a throwing knife in his chest.

        The blond haired German looked to his wife beater with disdain. The once white fabric now had a bright red stain of unoxygenated blood surrounding where the dagger pierced his pale skin. He pulled the knife from his chest and took off his blood soaked shirt. The sight of the wound was fully healed already. He grinned and flexed his muscles at Matt who in turn glared at him.

        "I meant my last living elder relative you idiot! He took away something that mattered to be, someone that I held dear to my non-beating heart, so I will do the same damn thing to him, even if it kills me!"

        "Yeah, I think we get that, but you're not killing (y/n). You're keeping her alive, dangling her presence in front of (y/f/n), just out of his reach until he snaps and declares war on you," Matt explained, taking his flannel shirt and white t-shirt off and flexing back at Lutz, the three scars running across his chest rippling with each movement.

        "Precisely Matt! I don't even have to elaborate my plans. You can read me like an open book. That just shows that your vampire traits are becoming more dominant over your human ones. Whether that is a good thing is up to you Matthieu, but they are helping you tremendously. I'd like to think of it as-! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSBAG!" Luciano screamed as Lutz picked him up and put him on top of his barbell which had two hundred pounds of weight divided between the two ends, as well as the forty-five pounds the barbell weighed and now Luciano's weight of one hundred forty pounds.

        Lutz slid under the bar and gripped it on either side of Luciano. He pushed the bar up with minimal effort, causing Luciano to let out a rather girlish shriek as he almost slid off of the barbell and onto Lutz's face and chest below him. The vampire prince gripped onto the metal bar tightly, his knuckles turning white. Lutz smirked at Matt and looked at him from the corner of his eye. The blond male growled under his breath and discarded the two hundred pound weight he was about to place on the side of the barbell. He walked over to the double doors of the room and opened one, forcefully having it slam against the wall behind it. Lutz continued smirking as he shifted his violet eyes upward to meet the magenta hues of Luciano. The prince's eyes were wide open as he continued to be bench pressed, his knuckles now seeming to achieve what would be considered a new shade of white.

        The two men soon heard Matt whistle rather loudly into the hallway. The sound of rapid and heavy footsteps was soon could acknowledged by both males. A mass of white fur, also known as Matt's beloved polar bear named Kuma, lumbered into the room with a menacing growl directed towards Lutz. Matt shut the door and walked over to where the bench press station he was using was set up. He pushed the barbell holder back and far away from the bench. Matt then laid down on the bench and gave a few commands to Kuma in French. The polar bear seemed to nod at him in an understanding manner.

        The white furred mammal stood on his hide legs and turned to have his back face Matt. Kuma then fell backwards onto Matt's awaiting hands and was held above the half human, half vampire male. The violet and light blue speckle eyed male began to push his pet polar bear companion up into the air and then lower him down to almost his chest before pushing him back up again, then repeating the process. Matt didn't struggle one bit to bench press his one thousand four hundred fifty pound polar bear, and shot Lutz a chaste glance and a smug smirk. Lutz stopped bench pressing Luciano and the weights and put the barbell back into its holder before storming out of the training. He had been shown up by what his race would consider to be the only human-vampire hybrid to ever exist. His pride was hurt, and he would have to spend years repairing it to his former standard.

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