***** |J <3 Y| *****

"Hyung, let's play," Taehyung said as he approached Hoseok who was busy with his phone.

"Tae Tae, not now. Go bother Kookie instead."

Taehyung pouted and continued to annoy his hyung. "But hyung... Jungkook-ah is taking a bath."

Hoseok sighed deeply and finally looked at his dongsaeng. "Then go take a bath with him or something."

The younger's eyes widened and for some reason, he stuttered and barely managed to say "H-hyung! What the heck?"

Sighing again, Hoseok rolled his eyes and gestured for Taehyung to sit beside him. Sometimes he just hated how weak he was when it came to the maknaes. He could never say no.

"So, what are you doing?" Taehyung asked, happy again that Hoseok agreed to hang out with him. At least he made the younger happy.

"Look at this," Hoseok said and showed his phone to Taehyung.

Taehyung gasped and stared at the phone. "Where did you get that, hyung?!" he said as he stared at a picture of Yoongi kissing Jimin's forehead.

He wondered if he should tell him, but whatever. He was too excited to keep his mouth shut. Hoseok scratched his head and confessed to Taehyung. "Maybe... Just maybe... I accidentally walked into a yoonmin moment in the studio. And maybe I decided to hide behind the stereo and watch. And maaaaybeee, I took a picture when hyung kissed Jimin's forehead."

Taehyung gasped dramatically, too dramatically actually. "Hyung! That's invasion of privacy!"

"I know, but the feels Tae, the feels! What am I supposed to do with that? Anyway, I'm planning to post this on our Twitter to give the fans a little share of my Yoonmin feels. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that right? Everyone ships yoonmin and our entertainment ships it too. Even PD-nim supports it,too, since it just made our group even more famous. So what do you think?"

"I think that you should first add more locks in our room so that once Yoongi-hyung find out about this, you can just hide inside and pray that your death won't be that bad."

Hoseok snickered at that. "Okay whatever. I've no worries anyway, I run like a horse and Yoongi is too lazy to plan murder."

***** |J <3 Y| *****

It was already 10 pm and all of the Bangtan members were fast asleep except for one Park Jimin. He was so distracted the whole day that he wasn't able to focus on their practices. And so, he decided to practice by himself in their living room with a mirror in front of him. He always hated it whenever he couldn't focus and always felt like there's still so much he needed to improve even though he already got everything perfect.

He was panting and sweating hard from all the moves he practiced and decided to sit and rest for awhile. And in the moment of epic vainness, he took a selfie of himself. "Not bad," he whispered to himself as he stared at his newly taken picture. And of course, he went  to post it on Twitter.

Jimin was grinning happily as he opened their account, only to be surprised by the large number of notifications they have. Of course, the Bangtan twitter account always had so many notifications, especially on special occasions like their birthdays and concerts. And since their concert was fast approaching, the notifications were getting more and more. But this... "Whoa, the notifications tripled?!"

When he scrolled down, he noticed two disturbing things at once. First, the #yoonminisreal had become the second top in the trending list. Second, the picture. Jimin closed his eyes and cursed silently. It's clear that Hobi was the one who posted it judging from the tags. Jimin didn't really know what disturbed him the most; the fact that the picture was on Twitter, the fact the Hobi actually had that picture, or the picture itself? It looked so bloody intimate and...

Jimin sighed heavily. For some reason, all of this was making him crazy. He liked the support, enjoyed it even. Even if he did not really admit it aloud, he felt quite giddy when he first found out that some fans were pairing him up with Yoongi. Now that the fame of their pairing escalated to impossible heights, he oddly felt happy about it. It's just that... Yoongi.

He stared at their picture. At that time when Yoongi kissed his forehead, it seemed all just friendly. Now that he was looking at this, he kind of felt something weird in his stomach that he couldn't quite describe. Not just that, it also reminded him of that kiss. He knew that all of this was just for the sake of fun. It's just a typical small thing that led to something big and now it seemed like the whole world was already 'shipping' them, or whatever they called it. But Jimin just couldn't help but feel something.

Whatever that was, he just hoped that it wouldn't affect his performance and focus.

New Update!! Ahahaha hope you like this guys... :)

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