1 - A Silent Introduction

Start from the beginning

Sam signed something to Dean, not speaking because they were in a public place.

"What no," Dean said. "If someones gonna love me, they'll have to put up with my childishness." Sam laughed quietly, signing again. Dean rolled his eyes. "Bitch."

"Jerk," Sam said. Dean gave him a smile, the one he always had when Sam would speak out loud.

"Hey so have you heard of the fandom shop in town?" Dean asked and Sam shook his head. "Dude come on, how have you not? I only visit this place and I know it." Sam shrugged. "And you're the nerd here. Go there later, it's got Doctor Who merch." Sam's eyes lit up and Dean smiled.

They talked for a while more before Sam had to go, claiming he had homework to do.

"You study too much," Dean said as they walked out of the shop. Sam just stuck his tongue out at him. "Wow, very mature."

Like you can talk, Sam signed.

"Yeah, I can," Dean said. "Unlike some people." Sam bitch faced him. He didn't really mind when Dean made jokes about him being mute. "Make sure you go to the fandom place later, you're welcome in advance."

Sam nodded, and they went their separate ways.


"Gabriel you lazy idiot get up."

Gabe groaned at the sound of his alarm. Aka Charlie. Breaking into his house yet again.

"Can't a guy sleep in?" he said, pulling the doona over his head.

"Nope," Charlie said. "Do you really want to still be in bed when all ten of your siblings show up?"

"One, I don't have ten siblings. Two, I didn't invite all of my siblings."

"Coulda fooled me, there's way too many of them," Charlie said, opening the curtains so that the morning sun shone down on Gabe. Gabe just sighed, giving up.

"Fine, gimme a minute," Gabe said, and Charlie left the room.

Gabe walked out a few minutes later, awake and dressed. His brother, Castiel, was sitting in his apartment talking to Charlie.

"Heya Cassie," Gabe said. "How are ya?"

"I'm good Gabriel," Cas said, all formal like. "How are you?"

"Good," Gabe said.

"He's just as lazy as ever," Charlie said.

"Of course he is," Cas said. "Shouldn't you be trying to do something with your life Gabe?"

"Nah," Gabe said. "I like everything how it is right now."

"Do you?" Charlie said teasingly.

"Shut up," Gabe said. Cas raised an eyebrow.

"Gabey's been lonely," Charlie said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up no," Gabe said. "Just because one time I was wondering what it would be like if I had a boyfriend, does not mean I'm dying to get one. Let me be young and free."

"I'm pretty sure getting a boyfriend will not take away your youth or freedom," Cas said with his confused head tilt thing. Gabe just shook his head.

"Anyway, is Luci coming over?" Gabe asked. "I asked him too since I haven't seen him or his boyfriend in a while."

"I swear you like Michael more than Lucifer," Cas said. "They said they'll be over later."

"Cool," Gabe said, going to grab his keys. "I have a shift now, you guys hold down the fort would you?"

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