Chapter 12 : Riker's unpleasant car ride

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I felt myself becoming very tired. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night! I closed my eyes, and fell asleep.


Jeff POV


I felt someone shaking my shoulder.


I was so tired, I didn't want to open my eyes. But they kept shaking me, so I did.


"We're at a rest stop," Riker said, quietly.


Riker climbed over the seat. I did the same once he was out of the way. When I jumped out of the van, Riker was waiting for me, which I thought was strange.

We walked into the rest area together.

After we'd both used the bathroom and washed our hands, Riker pulled me to the side.

"Look, Jeff... I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I've been being an awful brother. And you've been so nice. I'm really sorry."

I sighed. He apologized. I don't know whether Rocky would want me to stand my ground more or whatever, but he apologized, and that's enough for me!

"It's ok, Riker."

Riker hugged me tight.

"How are you feeling?"

"Nauseous, and my head is pounding."

"Is mom getting you anything?"

"I don't know..."

"Let's go back to the car."

I put my arm around his shoulder as we walked.

We got back into the car.

"Mom, my head really hurts," Riker said.

"Sorry, Riker. They didn't have anything. We'll check the next place we stop."

Riker groaned, and picked up the blanket from before. He spread it over both of us, and then pushed his hands into his forehead.

"You'll be ok, Riker," I whispered.

I put my arm around him, and he leaned his head on my shoulder as the car started moving again.

"It just hurts..." Riker whispered.


Jeff POV

Riker was asleep on my shoulder. I was hoping when he woke up, he'd feel a little better...

Ross turned around in his seat, holding a marker.

"What are you doing?" I asked, quietly.

"I'm going to draw on Riker."

"Is it permanent?"

"No. It washes off."

Ross leaned over the seat, and wiped Riker's bangs away from his forehead. He wrote Loser. And then he wrote is on his cheeks and chin, and then colored a spot on his nose.

"He's going to kill you, you know," I said, trying not to laugh.

"We're making memories."

I ended up falling asleep with Riker still on my shoulder.


Riker POV

"Riker! Jeff! Wake up!"

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