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Chapter 39
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. That's all Newt kept repeating as him and Thomas walked up the steps to their house. They were about to face their parents and Newt was traumatized. They stop right in front of the door and Thomas grabs Newt hand. The action makes Newt feel a lot better. He knows that whatever happens, Thomas isn't gonna leave his side. Actions speak louder then words.

After one more deep breath, Thomas opens the door. They walk into the dead silent house and share a confused look. They hear footsteps coming down the stairs and they stop dead in their tracks. Scott comes into view and Newt sinks back.

"No no no, this can't be happening." Newt whispered under his breath.

"Newt. Newt was wrong?" Thomas says looking between him and his dad who was now only a few feet away from them.

"You." Scott spits pointing at Newt, "you fucking did this!"

Newt takes a step back and Thomas steps in front of him protecting him from his father.

"Thomas don't!" Newt screams, not wanting Thomas to get hurt.

"Dad. Look I'm sorry but we are in love. He makes me feel like mom made you-" he rambles to his father but he cuts him off.

"DONT! Don't you dare fucking talk about your mother. She would be disgusted in you, you fag!"

For the first time Thomas sees the wild look in his eyes, hears the slurs in his words and smells the disgusting scent of alcohol on him. This is not his father. He slumps backwards tears stinging his eyes.

"Move," Scott growls taking a step towards Thomas, trying to reach Newt.

"No." Thomas whispers taking another step in front of Newt.

"Move!" He yells.

"No!" Thomas screams tears burning his eyes.

My father won't hurt me. That's what Thomas led himself to believe. But the next thing he knew he was being flown across the room. His body smashed against the wall and then spiralled to the ground. His head smashed the floor and he yells in agonizing pain.

"Thomas!" Newt yelled trying to run to his side but Scott grabs him by his collar choking him. He pulls him backwards and flings him against the wall. He pushes him against the wall by the neck, choking him.

"Newt," Scott slurs, "you ruined everything the second you stepped foot into this house. You turned my son into more of a fag. You make your mom cry herself to sleep every night. Nobody likes you. You don't know how relieved I was when your mother told me you jumped off that bridge,"

"Dad!" Thomas cries trying to get him to leave Newt alone.

He just pushes harder against his neck, newts face slowly loosing colour, "I thought, finally that kids gonna die so we can be a real family again. My kids and MY wife." He growls punching Newt across the face.

"Dad! Dad, Alison is not your wife, she's not mom!" Thomas screams. He continues pushing harder and harder and the tears pour down Thomas's face. He's killing him. But the pain was to much, he couldn't move. He was watching the life be drained from Newt.

"MOMS DEAD DAD! WE CAN NEVER BE THAT FAMILY AGAIN!" Thomas screams with all the energy he can muster. And with that Scott drops Newt. He falls unconscious on the ground and fear fills Thomas's body. That doesn't mean he's dead, that doesn't mean he's dead. Thomas repeats to himself.

Now Thomas had to focus on the problem at hand. His father was now coming towards him. But he still couldn't move. So he just sat there, ready for whatever was to come. A punch, a kick, anything, as long as Newt was okay; but instead Scott pulled out a gun.

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