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Chapter 22
Thomas rushed to the hospital without even telling the others the news. He didn't have times, he just needed to get there as fast as he could. As he drove he couldn't help the tears rapidly falling from his eyes.

When he parked his car he ran as fast as he could into the hospital and straight to room 250.

"Wait Thomas I need to tell you something!" doctor Ava Paige yelled after him but he didn't want to wait so he just ran right into the room.

When he saw those big brown eyes he burst into tears. He was alive. Newt was alive and Thomas thought he couldn't be happier.

"Newt." Thomas breathed out.

"Why does everybody keep calling me that?"

And just like that, Thomas's happiness diminished into thin air. The first time he smiled in three months lasted .3 seconds.

Doctor Paige came in and sighed when she saw Thomas's broken look and Newts terrified one.

"Newt is suffering amnesia."

"No, no, no, this can't be happening." Thomas said to himself but the doctor heard and replied.

"I'm sorry Thomas, but we told you this could happen and there is nothing we could do."

"NO! YOU WERE GONNA GIVE UP ON NEWT! YOU GAVE HIM 5 DAYS TO LIVE AND YOU WERE GONNA TAKE HIS LIFE! YOU ARE ALL EVIL!" Thomas screamed and screamed. This couldn't be happening, he thought he finally got Newt back, but he was as gone as ever.

"Thomas all we were doing was saving Newt, that's all we were ever doing. Wicked it good."

"YOUR LIARS, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IN WICKED HOSPITAL!" Thomas just wanted to continue screaming at the doctor. She was too calm and happy and it made Thomas sick, but when Thomas looked over to see Newt petrified and crying he immediately calmed down.

"Newt." Thomas took a step towards him.

Newt pushed himself backwards against the bed trying to get as far away from Thomas as he could.

"Thomas, I think you should leave, just until your parents get here." The doctor says.

Thomas just nodded. He wanted to get out of there. The scared look on Newts face when he looked at Thomas would haunt him forever. The whole situation was just so overwhelming for Thomas he couldn't imagine how Newt felt.

Who does it hurt more?

Newt, who doesn't remember anyone and is confused and scared.


Thomas, who has to deal with remembering all the memories they shared together, and the love of his life not remembering him.

At Least Newt didn't have to deal with the grieving Thomas did because in some ways, newt did die.

Thomas couldn't take it anymore so he said one thing to Newt before exiting the room, "My names Thomas."

A/N sorry for short chapter, I just liked the dramatic end:)

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