Oh shit

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Chapter 8
Newts pov
When Thomas said a couple, he never gave me specifics so when a old grouchy man in only his boxers opened the door to the first house I knocked on I was slightly taken back.

I decided that the next house was hopefully hers.

I take a deep breath and knock on the door. When a beautiful red head opens the door I sigh in relief, "Lydia."

"What are you doing here Newt? And what happened to your face?" She snaps.

"Please just listen to me for a second." I beg.

"Why so that I can get in your pants since I'm such a big slut?" She says. I deserve every bad thing she says to me and more.

"Listen what I said Monday was out of anger. I had to move here from London with my mom to live with her boy friend and kids, it wasn't exactly a happy time for me. I was just mad and I was taking it out on everybody, I know that doesn't make it acceptable but just know I'm extremely sorry and I'm super disappointed in myself, that's not who I am at all."

"I get it. There's been times were I was mad at myself and I took it out on other people, it just happens."

"None of what I said was true at all, you are beautiful and I would actually like to get to know you."

She smiles, "I'd like to get to know you better too, but what happened to your face?" She asks reminding me why I am there.

"Let's just say you weren't the only person I took my anger out on. The whole school is gonna hate me." I say getting upset again.

"Hey, if you apologize I am sure they will forgive you, it's kinda hard not to with your adorable British accent." She says pinching my cheeks.

She hits one of my bruises and I flinch.

"Oops sorry." She says giggling.

"It's fine, but I've been hiding from everybody so they don't see my bruises, I was wondering if you could do some of your magic girl stuff and make them disappear?"

She laughs, "come right in, I'll make you look brand new."

____time skip cause I can____
When Lydia finished I looked better then I did before.

"Thank you so much Lydia." I say hugging her.

"Your welcome, see you at school tomorrow?"

"As long as your magic keeps my face looking normal, I'll be there." I smile walking out her door back to my house. I don't think I will ever be able to call it home, I think it will always just be a house to me.

I walk through the front door excited to show Tommy my makeup but when I walk in I see him on the couch and my parents standing there staring at me.

"Sit down right now Newton." My mother scolds.

I hang my head and sit next to Thomas.

"You better have a good explanation for why the hell you missed a half day of school yesterday and all of school today boys!" Scott yells.

We both just sit there in silence.

"Newton explain!" My mother growls.

"I-a-um we-" I stutter.

"None of this was Newts fault, it was all my idea. On his first day he was having a hard time so I told him our afternoon classes were cancelled, he believed me so we left. I was just trying to let him have fun instead of being so stressed. And today I figured maybe if Newt saw more of California he would start to like it more, so I spent all day showing him the city, I just wanted him to be happy he was here with us, instead of wanting to go back to London." Tommy says so swiftly almost I start to believe him story until I accidentally hit my elbow and a sharp pain goes up it, reminding me of the beating I took.

Scott sighs, "Thomas that was nice of you to want to help Newt, but not to miss school for it, you could have done it after school. I can't just tell you it's okay because it's not, you can't just miss school like that."

"Newton what do you have to say."  My mom asks.

Tommy puts his hand on mine and intertwines out fingers.

"What I think? What I think is that Tommy helped me realize that being in California isn't gonna be so bad after all. If you are happy mom then I am happy. Sure I missed some school but at least tomorrow when I go to school tomorrow I'm going to try to make new friends instead of sulking around. Tommy made me realize I am really happy to have a new family, a new brother. That's what I think." I say squeezing his hand at the end.

My mom smiles at me and then pulls me into a hug.

"I love you Newton."

"I love you too mom."

Then she pulls Thomas into a hug and whispers "thank you."

"Of course" he smiles his adorable smile. Adorable?

When she pulls away from the hug she turns serious.

"But no more missing school."

"No more missing school." I repeat.

"Promise?" She asks.

"Promise." Me and Tommy say at the same time.

"Okay, get out of here."

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