Broken heart

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Chapter 9
Newts pov
Me and Tommy collapsed onto our bed giggling.

"They believed me"

"I almost started to believe you Tommy!"

We just lay on the bed staring at each other for awhile.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up.


I walk over to Malias room and knock on the door, she is sitting on the floor playing barbies. When she sees me her look goes from happy to scared and that breaks my heart a little.

"Malia can I talk to you, I promise I won't yell." She only nods.

"What I said the other day wasn't true I was just mad. I am your brother, just like Thomas, but he's just more of a brother. I didn't mean to yell at you and I'm really sorry. I'm really excited to be living here with you and your dad, and especially Thomas.  I was wondering if you could ever forgive me."

"It's fine, sharing a room with Tom must make you really mad, I would be mean to people too," I laugh at her word choice, "your my brother, I have to forgive you, but it might make me forgive you a little faster if you play barbies with me." Her maturity reminds me so much of Theresa, everything about her reminds me of Theresa it's like they are the same person. It hurts, I don't think it ever won't, but maybe it's time I make Malia being like Theresa a good thing.

"I would love to play barbies with you."

We play barbies for a little while till I notice Malia yawn.

"You have school tomorrow time for bed." She yawns a again and stretches her arms out indicating she wants me to carry her.

I place her in her bed and put the blankets over her and his her on the forehead before turning of the lights.

"Goodnight Newt."

"Goodnight Malia." I smile then shut the door and head back to me and Thomas's room.

I get back in bed with him and lay face to face with him.
"Is what you said true?" He says stroking my cheek.

"What part?"

"About you being happy to be here?"

"I think it really is," I smile at him, "your not as bad as I thought. Or your family."

He smiles and rolls to his side so we are spooning, me being the big spoon. We lay like that for awhile before Tommy speaks up again.

"You finally okay with sleeping in the same bed as me." He says sarcastically.

"No, I'm just tired of sleeping on the couch." I smile.

"Okay, keeping telling yourself that love." He says smiling and turning over again so we are face to face.

Right before I fall asleep I hear Tommy whisper "I love you Newt."

"I love you too Tommy."


"You'll be fine. Just apologize to every body you made upset and stay away from Gally I'll see you in math Newt." Tommy said kissing my cheek and walking away to his class.

I find my class and walk in. What if Gally is in this class? I shutter at the thought. I see Lydia and rush over to sit next to her

"So my magic girl stuff worked." She smiles noticing me.

"Thankfully. I can't even imagine what my mom would do if she found out." That would probably be worse then getting 10 beatings from Gally, so basically dying.

She laughs. "Your dad would probably kill Gally."

My heart shatters at her sentence even though she has no clue what she just said.

She notices how upset I must look and pauses, "Newt? What's wrong?"

Thankfully the teacher walks in and starts talking so I use the chance to participate in class and get my mind off the car accident.

___at lunch___

I apologized to mostly everyone by now. I even stayed behind after every class to apologize to the teachers. Mostly everyone accepted my apology saying either they understood it's hard to be the new kid or that we all have bad times. There was a couple who told me to get the fuck away, but I expected that, I was a dick, maybe in time they'd forgive me, but for now I was okay with the whole school not hating me.

I was at my locker with Lydia about to head to lunch when I saw Tommy and his group of friends walking into the cafeteria. I was about to go jog to catch up to him but I stopped dead in my tracks.

Tommy head his arms around someone's shoulders and they had there's around Tommy's waist. They had there's foreheads resting against each other and they were laughing a long with there other friends. They leaned in and they kissed. They kissed. I felt my heart shatter into a million different pieces. I don't know why.

Tommy never told me he was in a relationship. Never once had he ever mentioned going to their house or having them over. He never even mentioned any of his friends names.

"W-who was that?" I ask Lydia.

"That was Thomas and Ethan. They have been dating for over a year now, they are adorable. Why?" She asks.

"Just wondering." I say but I can feel my heart breaking into a million more pieces. Why should I care who Tommy dates? I just moved here, into his life, I barley know him. Maybe I feel betrayed because I told him so much and he never told me this little piece of information? Let's go with that.

"You go ahead to lunch, I just realized I have a few more people to apologize too." I say forcing a smile.

"Okay." She says sceptical but walks away anyway.

I run to the bathroom and cry out every last tear in me.

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