Hello :)

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This is yet another Troyler AU. It's called Silence (duh), it is going to have slow updates at first while I finish my current story Stand By You. 

Tyler is a 'painfully shy' young child. He is sheltered from the outside world with a lack of communication with his peers. His constant self isolation has created set backs and issues in many areas of his life. Until one day when he shows a soft spot for a little boy named Troye. 

Yeah, so the chapters are going to be one school year each chapter, moving throughout school. I am excited for this story and it was inspired by a lecture that I had to go to for my classes. I hope you like it and any feedback is appreciated! 

As always, Good luck with your life!!

Katie :)

Also follow me on twitter and tweet me to update if you want more, it motives me to write more. My @ is GottaGoOakley. 

Silence (Troyler Au)Where stories live. Discover now