5. Clean Up Your Own Mess

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Sam Jerkins was unnerving. Really, really unnerving.

He was always acting like he was king of the world, which was frustrating — Scorpius was supposed to be in charge of Friday. Yet here was this weird dipshit who no one knew anything about, and it was like everyone but Scorpius had agreed to give the position of co-ordinator over to him.

And then there was the unsettling feeling in Scorpius' gut that he'd met Sam before. His voice sounded familiar...

Scorpius shook his head and pulled his books from his locker, accidentally dislodging something of Tyrell's. Of course, it was just dominos from there on out.

Why the hell was Tyrell his lockermate? The guy couldn't keep a locker organized to save his life. Scorpius stepped back and let the last few objects fall, and ran into someone with his back. The someone let a grunt of surprise and they both stumbled backwards, awkwardly close — Scorpius turned around, an apology fresh on his lips, and his blood ran cold.

"Excuse me," Rose Weasley said coolly, stooping to retrieve the books that had fallen from her arms.

Rose Weasley. That strange combination of red hair and hazel eyes. Freckles. Shorter than him. Chin always up the tiniest bit like she was above everyone else. Pristine uniform. Designer purse. Designer shoes. Rich bitch. Child prodigy. Internationally famous. Heartbreaker.


It was her fault that Scorpius' mother was gone. Hers. Right? Yes. Her fault.

Scorpius narrowed his eyes, shoulders tense, and turned back to his locker. And then away from it again. "Rose."

She was already walking off — she froze, and turned her head almost imperceptibly. They stood suspended for an immeasurable length of time. Scorpius couldn't tear his gaze away she wouldn't move... the words got stuck in his throat.

"Never mind," he muttered, refocusing on the mess, and she flicked her long copper curls over her shoulder and stalked off without a word.

Scorpius squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the emptiness to settle in his chest again. He didn't care about her anymore. He didn't give a fuck about her. She didn't give two fucks about him. And that was that.


"I really want to meet your new cat, Scorpius," Jessica Mendell informed him. "I love cats. I really, really love cats."

"You could come over after school," he offered. "Walk home with us."

Rose nodded. Her fingers were laced through Scorpius'. "Tink is the cutest little thing, Jess. You have to see her!"

"Awesome," Jessica beamed. "Thanks, Scorpius."

Jessica sent her parents a text to let them know of her plans, and they shouldered their backpacks and exited the school into the bright spring sunshine. Rose slipped her hand into Scorpius' again, and a warm tingly feeling ran up his arm, and he smiled.

Rose and Jessica chattered away about life. A few others latched onto their little group, and soon everyone was chattering away about life, and people sort of just dropped off as they went along. The sun was warm and Scorpius was warm and her hand was warm and the future was warm and God, he loved her.

Seventh grade was drawing to a close. And then, summer. It would be their first summer together. And Scorpius was confident it would be the best summer of his life.

Grandfather complained — oh, did he ever complain. He hated seeing a Weasley in the manor so often, but Father had talked to him and Grandfather wasn't doing anything violent — yet.

Whisper, Whisper [A Scorose AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن