2. Fateful Online Articles and Dr. Pepper

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Rose Weasley was seriously pissed.

The minute she got out of school, she pulled out her phone and punched in her best friend and cousin's number. The contact appeared on her screen: Lily Potter. It rang her straight into Lily's irreverent voicemail. Yo, wassup, it's Lily! Obviously I can't talk. Try again later because I don't listen to voicemails.

Swearing under her breath, Rose tried again. This time, she got an answer.

"Hey, baby." Lily sounded sniffly.

"You suck, Potter," Rose snapped, getting straight to the point. "Why weren't you at school today?"

"I'm sick. Why, did something happen?"

Rose sighed. "Something happened, alright. I'm coming over." And she hung up without another word.

She started when someone wrapped their arms around her waist, then relaxed in recognition, laughing. "Luke! You scared me!"

"Sorry, babe." Luke Hannagan leaned down to her, and she twisted up and their lips met briefly.

"You look flustered," he noted concernedly, stepping around and entwining his fingers with hers. "Everything okay?"

Rose smiled. He was so cute when he was worried. "I'm fine," she assured him. "Long day. I have to run, though, or I'll be walking. No pun intended."

Luke raised an eyebrow, his dirty blonde hair flashing the autumn sunlight like a mirror. "I can give you a lift."

"That's okay. I'm going to Lily's. I can take the bus." She gave him a parting peck on the cheek, and was obliged to stand on tiptoe to do so. "See you tomorrow?"

"Bright and early, sunshine," he agreed, and grinned, and his dark eyes crinkled up around the corners.

Her bus was just about to leave when Rose leapt on. She flashed a smile at the driver and made for the back, feeling the stares but not acknowledging them. She was more in the mood for burying herself in the Internet, where eye contact wasn't necessary and keyboards were like shields against reality.

Predictably, Albus Potter had saved her a seat. "Hey, Rosie," he grinned, patting the spot next to him. His friend, Tyler Longbottom, smiled at her toothily; dimples broke out all over his cheeks. She smiled weakly back.

"It's Rose." She sat down heavily and leaned her head back, closing her eyes briefly as the bus started up. What a crazy day. "I'm getting off at your stop. Have to give Lily a piece of my mind."

Albus chuckled. "What'd she do this time?"

"She didn't show up."

"Ahh... okay. I'm just gonna assume that's a girl thing..."

Rose let out a heavy breath, opening her eyes and leaning down to her phone. "Whatever. Doesn't matter."

Taking the hint, Albus resumed his conversation with Tyler. Rose scrolled absently through endless quantities of Instagram feed from the past two hours and let her mind wander.

Next time Lily felt inclined to be sick, Rose would have to spray all the seats in her vicinity with anti-Scorpius solution.

Was that even a thing? Maybe she should make it a thing. It'd probably be a huge hit on the market, too. Rose made a mental note to mention it to Hugo the next time they were allowed to visit. It'd make him laugh, she was sure.

Until she remembered that they wouldn't be visiting anytime soon. Which didn't improve her mood in the slightest.

Her phone pinged, and a banner notification dropped down on her Instagram scrolling. A text from Lily.

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