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Trollchen10: New years resolution? It starts and ends with a d (d _ _d) can you guess?

Vkookisbae: No you
don't want that

Krisismystyle: @Lovepcy15
I swear if you don't do

Lovepcy15: Jongdae
I don't care how sad
you are you better not
do it

(Jongdae's POV)

I stared down the building. If I had the guts, I would jump, but I can't. My body just doesn't want to push itself off.

A sum of my life since Baekhyun broke us off, is kind of a lot. My mother came back from Japan where she was working. She had found out what my father was doing to me. In the middle of the night, we had packed and moved to a small apartment. There was only two bedrooms and one bathroom. The apartment was part of a 2 story complex.
I was alone a lot of the time, my mother having to work, which is a good and bad thing. I had a lot of time to myself which meant thinking but also led to too much thinking. I often thought of cutting, which I did, suicide, and, of course, Baekhyun. I hadn't heard from Baekhyun in a while. I didn't try to message him, knowing he probably wouldn't answer anyway. I thought about it a lot, but reasoned myself otherwise.

Right now I was on the roof of the apartment complex. I sat up here a lot since it seemed to calm me down. the cold winter breeze while hearing cars zoom by. People happily telling stories of their Christmas, or new year resolutions. I had tweeted my 'new years resolution' and ignored the replies.

"How do you plan on becoming fit? You eat way to much," a voice laughed.

"Good point," another laughed along.

"Does this boy live in these apartments?" I heard a boy ask. I ignored how it sounded somewhat familiar.

I heard the door to the roof open behind me. I ignored it, probably someone random.

"Jongdae?" I turned around at the voice and was surprised.

A/N: Dun Dun Dun

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger oops...

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