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Lovepcy15: I'm picking you up

Trollchen10: For what

Lovepcy15: We're going to go get our costumes

Trollchen10: Why do we have to dress up if we aren't going out

Lovepcy15: Because

Lovepcy15: Be ready when I get there

(Baekhyun's POV)

-time skip-

"Jongdae, you should get this one," I ran and grabbed the bag off the shelf. It was a cute cat headband with ears along with a tail and paws.

"But that's for girls," he whined.

"Cats aren't just for girls Dae," I giggled and looked for a costume for me.

"Okay, Baekhyun if I have to be a cat then you have to be a dog," Jongdae said holding a bag like the cat things only dog ones.

"Aw, that would make us look really cute," I cooed and grabbed the bag from his hands. He facepalmed and mumbled to himself.

"I regret my decision," he smiled.

"Don't lie you want to see me as a puppy," I laughed. He smiled and walked with me to buy the things.

"I feel bad for making you pay for everything," he pouted as we stood in line.

"Don't feel bad. I want to pay for it," I told him. I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"Baek, we're in public," he whined. I laughed and kissed him on the cheek again. He pouted and blushed even more. Once we payed for the things, we walked out hand in hand.

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