Authors Note

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Asalamualykum to all of the wattpad community! Plenty of things will be posted regarding the muslim females. Just your average daily reminder!

I am doing this for numerous reasons. One being I am on a journey *spiritually* and am striving to be a better Muslim. So I decided to A: Make a story on the average life on a teen Muslim girl in America (coming soon), B: Make this *diary*! Hopefully many will learn from this and benefit greatly. Follow me on an adventure!

To all my non- Muslim readers and friends: You can benefit from this too! Weather it's a life hack, or some inspiration that will get tougher through life! If you have any questions, feel free to message me :)

I got the idea from FlowersOfHeaven !She has some really really really great stories on her page! GO CHECK HER OUT IMMEDIATELY. LIKE RIGHT NOW. GO DO IT. NOW. SERIOUSLY. GO DO IT. COME ON. GO FOLLOW HER AND READ HER STORIES. Good.

If something offends you, message me and let me know. I would love to take hacks, tips, inspiration and Islamic facts from all of you guys, so if you want you can comment or message me some.


... Go follow FlowersOfHeaven

For the modest Muslim Girls~Where stories live. Discover now