Bringing The Fight To Him

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Alexia made her way back towards the room where Conner was. Steve had asked her to tell Bruce that they had found him.

Charles had been able to find Jane, her location was in a place none of them had known about.

Steve planned on moving out immediately, once they assembled their team they were ready to go.

I wonder who he's going to take with him.
Alexia thought to herself.

She entered the room and saw Bruce looking over some computer screens, Conner and Peter sat on either side of Skyler's bed.

Bruce looked up and saw Alexia.
"Any news?"
"We got him."
Alexia replied.

Conner and Peter looked up in shock.
"What? How? Where?"
Conner leapt to his feet and raced to Alexia's side.

"I'm not sure where exactly, but Steve's getting ready to go after him and he wants you to come Bruce."

Bruce nodded.
"Peter and Charles can look after Sky."
"I'm going."
Conner looked over at Bruce and gave him a hard stare.

"It's up to Steve Conner. Personally I'd rather you stay here."
Conner laughed.
"Do you really think I'm staying here? No way Josè I'm going with you."

'Then you'd better talk to Steve."
Bruce turned to Peter.
"Will you be fine here?"
Peter nodded.

Bruce left the room, Conner was about to follow him when Alexia grabbed his arm.

"Please, don't go Conner."
"I have to."
"Then I'm going with you."
"No. You're staying here."

Alexia narrowed her eyes at him.
"Do you really expect me to sit here and wait for you to come back?"
"Yes. I can't let anything happen to you Alexia."

Alexia sighed and squeezed his hand.
"Please come back."
She said softly.
"I will."

Then to her surprise, he kissed her lightly on the cheek.
Her eyes widened as he walked away.

Alexia turned around and saw Peter smiling.
"For what?"
Alexia asked skeptically.
"Finding a guy who really cares about you. I'm sure it's not easy for him to leave you behind."

Alecia sat in the chair Conner had been sitting in.
"It seems like you've had experience with this before."
Peter's face grew serious.
"You could say that."

He fell silent after that.
Alexia looked at Skyler, she phased out again and it sent shivers down Alexia's spine.

You're going to be okay, Sky.
And so are you Conner.


Anthony listened as Steve briefed everyone on the situation.
They had found Lucas' lair, all they needed to do now was go after him and take him down.

"Thor, Bruce, Logan and I are going. Who else wants to volunteer?"
Steve looked around the room.
All the Avengers were there as well as all the SHILED agents.

"I'll go."
Elizabeth stood up and walked over to Steve.
"Me too."
Isabelle joined her at the front.
"I'm going!"
Conner was already at the front.
Anthony came and stood next to him. He nodded silently at Steve.

Steve looked at everyone and said, "Suit up. We're leaving in an hour, this time we're bringing the fight to Lucas."


Cam sighed in his bed.
He was recovering, but way slower than he wanted to.

He wanted to go with the others to face Lucas, but his injuries were still too severe.

"Knock knock."
Cam looked up and saw Maria standing in the doorway.
"Who's there?"
"I have pie."
"I don't care who it is anymore I just want the pie."

Maria smiled and sat down beside his bed, handing him a plate with a small piece of pie on it.

Cam bit into it and closed his eyes in delight.
"Oh yeah, that's good stuff."
"How are you feeling Cam?"
Maria asked gently.
"Better now that I've had some pie. In fact-"

"Cameron. There is absolutely no way that you're feeling well enough to go after Lucas just because you had a slice of pie."
Cam shrugged.
"It was worth a shot."

Maria shook her head in amusement.
"What are we going to do with you Cam?"
"You can bring me more pie for starters."
"Is pie seriously all you think about?"
"Not all the time. Sometimes I think about you."

Maria blushed and looked away from Cam.
"Seriously though, you act all tough with everyone else, but with me you laugh and tell jokes, what gives Hill?"

Maria rolles her eyes.
"Haven't you figured it out yet Cam?"
"Judging by your tone and expression, no. I haven't."
"Let me give you a hint."

Maria leaned forward and kissed Cam.
Then she left the room leaving Cam staring after her in shock.
"Whoa wait! Maria! Maria!"

Cam couldn't believe it.

So THAT'S what Nat was trying to tell me.
I am clueless.


For those of you wanting a little "romance" here you go!
In the next chapter they're going to face Lucas.

While I was writing this I was listening to a song called,

Enter the Heroes

Pretty fitting of you ask me.

Anywho, I'm out.

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