Hanging By A Thread

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Conner paced outside of the room they had taken Skyler in.

The door had been closed for what seemed like hours.

"Can you please sit down Conner? You're driving me crazy."
Alexia asked.

"Sorry. Pacing helps me think."

"Then you should do it more."

"Very funny."

Conner sat down next to her.

Annette showed up a few minutes later with Steve, Thor, Loki, and Iris.

"What happened?"
Steve asked Conner.

"Lucas. He shot Sky and I don't know if she's going to make it."

Iris' eyes widened, Loki grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"Where is she?"
Steve asked Annette.

"She's in there with Bruce, Peter, and Charles."

"Can you believe it? They let Peter in but made me wait."
Conner sighed in frustration.

"I'm going in, if that's fine Annette."

"Yeah, come on."

Alexia led Steve into the room.

Conner tried to catch a glimpse of what was going on inside, but all he saw was the back of Bruce's head.

Conner sighed as the door closed.

"She'll be fine Conner. Skyler's tough."
Alexia tried to assure him.

"Come on, let's go see if anyone needs help while we're here."
Iris suggested.

"You guys go. I'm not leaving."
Conner crossed his arms.

"Alright then, we'll be back
The three Asgardians left without another word.

Alexia glanced at Conner.

"She's going to make it Conner."

"How do you know?"

"I just know."

Conner squeezed her hand.

"What would I do without you?"


"Is he going to live?"
Anthony asked.

"They've done all they can."
Natasha replied.
"The rest is up to Cameron."

Anthony sighed.
"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have left him."

"There's no way that this is your fault Anthony."
Natasha placed a hand firmly on his shoulder.

It is my fault.
I was supposed to protect him.

I thought your days of getting people killed were over.

Anthony ignored Lucas.

"How is he?"
Maria walked up to Natasha and Anthony.

"Not good."
Natasha replied grimly.

Maria looked through the half-broken window that showed the inside of Cam's room.

He laid motionless on his bed, he was wrapped in bandages and had tubes and wires coming out of him.

Maria turned away.
"We tried tracking down Jane. So far we've got nothing."

"Why would she do this?"
Natasha asked.

"I don't know."
Anthony looked at Cam's still form.

"We've also taken care of Lyra."
Maria's voice shook when she mentioned Lyra.

Anthony could tell that she was trying to hold back her emotions.

"Nat? We just heard from Steve."
Clint and Elizabeth walked up to them.

Anthony could tell instantly that they had more bad news.

"What is it?"

"The X-Men suffered no cassualties. Lucas didn't get anymore powers either."
Clint told her.

Anthony waited for him to finish.

Clint sighed and looked down at his feet.

Elizabeth was on the verge of tears.

Anthony demanded.

"He got Sky."
Clint answered.

Natasha looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you sure?"

"She's alive, but in very critical condition. Bruce said there's a small chance that she'll make it, but we shouldn't get our hopes up."

Anthony's hands clenched tightly into fists.

First Tony, then Lyra, and now Cam and Skyler could die. Not to mention that Jane had joined Lucas.

He stormed away from the others, he needed to think.

Lucas won't stop until everyone here is either dead, or working for him.

Our only chance is to find him and take him down.

He paused when he remembered Bruce's idea to reconstruct Lucas' gun.

They needed to finish that.
If they did, it would give them a chance to beat Lucas at his own game.

But Tony was gone, Skyler probably would be as well, and Bruce and Peter were occupied.

The only other person who could do it, was Del.


I updated! Yay me!

Also just to let you guys know, I probably won't be on Wattpad at all during April.

I think that my family and I will be taking a break from electronics so I'll try to update as much as I can before then.

Anywho, I'm out.

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