Chapter 1 - Him

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"Just go in there!"

With an unattractive grunt, I planted my feet against the front door and shoved backwards.

"I refuse!" I shouted. "Not happening."

"It's not that bad to pretend you're my girlfriend!" He fumed. "Just do it."

Again, another disgusting, muffled groan released from my throat. "Never." I pushed even harder against his surprisingly stable body.

As he yanked me back, he stumbled and fell, the handcuffs clinking as I went down with him.

"Ow." I mumbled.

He sighed and offered a hand. "They can help." His stare bore into me, and all I could do was slap his hand away as I struggled to stand.

"Over. My. Dead. Body."

His usual, idiotic smirk returned as he began to push toward the door that was now wide open, shouting, "Hey mom! Dad!"

Someone cleared their throat behind me. "Well, who is this beautiful girl?"

"Mom, Dad. This is Reed, my girlfriend."

My teeth ground together as he poked my back with his finger and I walked forward to greet them. "Yeah, I'm his girlfriend."

*** 3 days ago ***

I was normal. Now, I know that sounds odd, but that word means something at Strating High, because frankly, everyone else here seemed to be on one. Things were fairly similar to any other high school – over-friendly teachers, strict supervisors, bullies, popular kids, losers, but there seemed to be a special spotlight on the popular kids. At least two of them, anyways.

And then there was Alec Marks, the most famed football player at our high school. He was taller than most of the players and just muscular enough for his biceps to pop out the black shirt he seemed to wear almost every day. I was probably one of the few who noticed his eyes were green and he always had a light scruff.

Why do I know that? Well, I wouldn't say there's a rivalry between us, but, well, it's tense. He spends his days thrusting paper balls into my hair and incessantly chattering in my ear behind me during class time just to get under my skin.

"Reed!" A small, dark haired girl shouted after me, interrupting my train of thought.

I spun and smiled at my best friend, "Hey."

"Where have you been? I called you like nine times!" Surina rose a brow and crossed her arms, as if that would spark any guilt within me.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Have you ever heard of homework?"

She grunted, "Only in fairytales."

I laughed, "Come on, we have to get to class."

I shut my locker and turned to the hallway, where oddly, it was silent. People weren't moving or talking. Which only meant one thing – remember when I said this school people at this school were on one?

Surina gave her usual exasperated sigh as a couple walked through the doors, "Look who's back together."

The 'perfect couple' strode down the halls, hand in hand, like always. They looked straight ahead, ignoring the stares and silence, seemingly unbothered by it. They were used to it – expected it really.

I shook my head, feeling that familiar bubble of rage bloom in my gut, "I don't have time for this." I began to walk before they passed and Surina yanked me back.

"I wouldn't move." She whispered anxiously.

I snorted. "What the hell are they going to do about it?"

My eyes lifted and made direct eye contact with him who met my gaze with a death state. It was clear to everyone we hated each other. It was hard to miss when I exploded on him two years ago when he refused to help any of us with a group project. We hated each other ever since. No surprise there.

I rolled my eyes, shook Surina off and continued walking. All eyes were on me now, which meant Miss Queen Bee had felt the gravitational pull of her presence me. She stopped in her tracks, spun and delivered an award-winning look of rage.

"Come on, babe. Who cares?" Alec murmured, pulling her the other direction.

She clenched her jaw before spinning around and planting a sloppy kiss on Alec's mouth. A desperate attempt to have the attention returned to her in my opinion.

Holding in a groan, and possibly my breakfast, I hurried to class just as the crowd began to disperse.

Eventually, Surina caught up to me, which only made me walk faster. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Brin could have killed you back there! She was so pissed!" Her high-pitched laughter vibrated through the halls.

"Good. I hate her anyways."

Surina just shook her head before we stopped in front of our respective classrooms. As she opened her door, she offered a smile, "I'll see you later."

Nodding, I shuffled into my class and sat down, hoping the tension from earlier wouldn't bring any more attention to me.

And who sat behind me in this wonderful classroom? None other than Alec Marks.

Obviously, there was no exchange of words between us at the moment, only tiny balls of paper being flung at my head. I knew he wanted me to turn around so he could complain about what happened with Brin, but I wouldn't budge. He could start throwing pencils and he still wouldn't hear a peep out of me.

Ok. So that wasn't exactly true. 

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