She tasted as sweet as sugar and smelled even better. I couldn't help but smile against her skin when she let out an almost silent moan, for only me to hear.

"Duff." she said my name softly, like honey from her lips.

I kissed her again, and we became entangled. Somehow, she managed to end up underneath of me, with my hips pinning her to the mattress. She had a firm hold of my back side, pulling me closer against her body.

"I want you, Duff." she said, as I trailed kisses between her breasts and down her stomach.

She guided my head back up to meet her own lips once more, but I didn't want to push her any further. It was her choice whether she wanted to do this, not mine.

I moved up to her ear lobe and nibbled at the soft spot behind it. 

"I'm gonna be late, baby." she moaned.

"You don't have to go, Anastasia. Stay with me." I whispered in her ear.

I stopped kissing her, and her crystal blue eyes locked with mine. 

"I don't want to have to rush this." she began. "You and I both know we have some sort of chemistry. I've never felt this way with anyone else, Duff." She paused for a second. 

"I want you to make love to me, and we don't have enough time right now for that right now." she planted one last kiss on my lips and I watched as she got out of my bed slowly, heading for the mirror that hung on the wall.

She pulled her unruly blonde hair into a ponytail, and ran her fingers underneath her eyes, removing any smudged make up our little tryst may have caused.

I really didn't want her to leave. Whenever she was gone, I felt empty, like a piece of me was missing. And now that I've had a taste of her sweet lips, she was like a drug I couldn't get enough of. 

"You don't have to go you know. You don't have to work-- not today, not ever." I paused a second, and she glanced back at me in the mirror.

"I'll take care of you. Whatever's mine is yours, baby." I tried.

"You know I can't do that, Duff. We're all broke." she answered. 

"I'll make it work. There's always a way." I tried to convince her.

"It's not just me and you, Duff. Although I wish it was." she looked down at her hands.

"It's me. And it's you. And it's Axl. And it's Slash and Izzy and Steven. We're all one big fucked up mess, and if one person strikes the match, the whole house is gonna come tumbling down."

"And you know what they say." Her eyes flicked up to lock with mine.

"If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned."



After hanging out in the studio all afternoon, I figured it would be a good idea to go see Ana at work. 

I put the car in park at the front door of K.C's, stepping out carefully. 

I twirled my car keys around my finger and pulled the door open, only to be greeted by Kasey herself.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Axl Rose. I don't remember putting you on the set for tonight, but I guess we can squeeze you in." she joked, clutching an armful of menus.

"Good one, Kase. I'm just hear to talk to a specific employee of yours." I narrowed my eyes and scanned the large restaurant for her.

"And who might that be?" Kasey questioned.

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