"I'll see you in a bit," I said before we walked out of his room.

"I've missed you Miss Spence," Springer said wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist, trying not to trip as we walked. "It’s weird not teaching you guys.” I pulled away from him so I could walk through the door. "So how's life then? Apart from the obvious." I laughed and shrugged.

"It's okay I guess. Uni isn't what I expected it to be. But in a good way though," he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah it usually is better once you find your feet. What did you end up studying?"

"Business with Finance. So there's some sort of Maths in there." He laughed as we stopped outside his room.

"Congratulations on the results by the way," he said unlocking the door. "I see I didn't let you down in maths." I laughed, walking into his classroom. I walked over to his desk and sat down on the seat beside it.

"Yeah if it wasn't for you, I don't think I would've passed maths let alone get the top grade. You helped me out a lot. So thanks," he smiled as he sat down in his chair.

“Well I’m pretty sure you put in most of the work. I just help you with it, I never made you work outside of class.” I smiled and shrugged. “So am I going to see you more now; or are you just going to come every couple of months?” I laughed and shook my head at him.

“No you’ll see me more often. We should go out sometime; you’re actually fun to hang out with.” He smiled and rolled over to his computer. He grabbed something before rolling back over to me.

“Put your number in there,” he said handing me his phone. I took his phone from him and typed in my number. “How’s Aaron doing?” he asked taking back his phone.

“He’s okay I think. A bit annoyed he didn’t get into one of the Universities he wanted to. But I think he’s happy with the one he’s at. He’s going to apply next year to go into a second year there.” He nodded while sitting back in his chair.

“Is everything else okay?” He asked looking serious for a second.

“Yeah everything’s good, glad to have more free time. It’s weird not having to come here anymore.” He smiled while turning his chair.

"Do you miss me?" He asked with a smirk. I laughed slightly and nodded. "Honestly? I would've thought you wouldn't because I usually made you work in class." I laughed and shrugged.

"I like you, you're a nice guy." He smiled and folded his arms across his chest. "Just don't tell Caleb I said that. He used to hate it last year when I talked about you." He tilted his head to the side confused.

"How come? I thought me and him were pretty good friends." I smiled slightly while rubbing my neck. This was slightly awkward.

"He likes you now don't get me wrong. It's just he didn't really like you last year when I was in school. He hated that we were friends because he thought you fancied me." Realisation crossed his face with a slight red tinge.

"Well I never did. I mean, I thought you were cute and you are good looking. But I never fancied you. I only saw us as really good friends." I felt my face heat up as he called me that. Wouldn't you if a hot guy just said that about you? "I hope that doesn't make things awkward or anything?" he asked signalling between us. I smiled and shook my head.

"No everything's good," he nodded while letting out a breath. “So what’s new with you then?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“Not a lot really. It’s pretty much the same as it always was. I’ve been offered the Head of Maths when Mr Henderson retires in a few years.” He said making me smile at him.

I've Got What I Wantedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें