Chapter 6 : Pink underwear

Start from the beginning

"Jeff? What are you doing there?"

Jeff was biting his bottom lip.

"You know... Stuff..."

"Seriously, why were you there?"

Jeff sighed.

"Riker, there's no way I can sleep with your snoring. I just can't! I tried closing your mouth, and then you woke up. I ducked down, hoping you'd just go back to sleep."

"Oh... Sorry about my snoring..."

"It's ok... I just can't sleep..."

I sighed.

"Maybe you'll get used to it over time..."


"Let's go to bed."

"I'll try..."

I got in my bed, and turned the light off. Within minutes, I was fast asleep.


Jeff POV

Riker was snoring. Again...

"Ugh... Make it stop... Please..."

I chucked my pillow at Riker's head.


I smiled, trying not to laugh.


"Sorry! I can't sleep!"

"Well can't you let one of us get some sleep?"

"Fine. You stay up, and let me sleep."

"That's not what I meant..."

"I know."

"How did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't. You took up all the space, Mr.Starfish boy. You were all spread out, so I was curled in a ball at the bottom of the bed. And I was freezing! On top of that, and the snoring, you kept kicking me! You're like a ninja in your sleep!"

"Oh... Sorry..."

I sighed.

"Ok, how about I'll let you fall asleep first," Riker said.

"Alright, let's try it."

I laid down, and got comfortable.

"Are you asleep yet?" Riker whispered.

I sighed.

"No, Riker. I don't fall asleep as quickly as you do."

"Ok. Just checking."


Jeff POV

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Riker, stop! I'm awake!" I shouted, covering my head with my hands.

Riker was currently whacking me with a pillow. And he wasn't stopping. He was giggling like an idiot. I slid off my bed, to the floor, and pantsed Riker.

"AH! Hey!"

Riker quickly pulled up his pajama bottoms.

"Not funny, Jeff."

I laughed.

"Well neither is getting whacked at... You woke me up at 7:30!? Are you crazy!?"


"It's early!"

"I know. We have things to do today."

I rolled my eyes.

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