I fell a few feet away and the tender skin on my face got scraped when it touched the rough ground. As I stood up, I saw Quillon slowly pulling out the javelin from Sel's back. I knew Sel was in safe hands.

I then directed my attention to Konrad and his clone. I couldn't tell which one was real and which one was not. I also couldn't tell if both were clones or not. However, the need to kill both of them was primary and as my wolf stomped her paws, I once again rushed towards them. This time, I used my elemental gift air and I was too fast for them. They saw me coming, but they couldn't exactly tell where I was as I ran around them.

Their momentary distraction was my window of opportunity and I made full use of it. I entwined my fingers and smashed one of the clone's wolfy head and as it dropped on the ground, I shoved second one to the nearest tree using my gift and once there, I entwined the branches of that tree so tightly that the creature had to struggle to breathe.

He was trapped and I had time until then to give my complete attention to the other one. I used my gift of earth while running towards him and once I was close enough to him, I wrapped the vines around his neck and then brought him to the ground.

Meanwhile, the trapped one snarled in rage and I heard a faint cracking sound. I tightened the coil around him and gritted my teeth, when the clone broke it with his claws. He stumbled a few steps while trying to regain composure and at that time, I let the vine entwine his legs. When he made a move, he once again fell on the ground and rushing, I slammed my elbows on his skull.

When he groaned, I electrocuted him, knocking him out. The other clone was still struggling and knowing I had time, I rushed towards Quillon and Duncan.

"I did what I could, but she needs to be taken to a doctor. Too much blood loss" Quillon filled in hastily. "And... the wound is on her spine, her nervous system... she needs medical attention... ASAP."

"I will take her"

"No.... you cannot carry her... she needs to be laid" Quillon filled in and then looked at me. "We need a stretcher. Go get the car until then" Quillon told him and he left.

Within few seconds, I prepared an artificial stretcher with branches and leaves.

"It's my fault" Quillon said grimly and I furrowed my brows. "The second clone, it's because of me."


"I drew his blood out while I punched him. I thought nothing would happen... but... we cannot even let a single drop touch the ground."

"But only I can do it" I argued.

"No... I think the first one only you could... the first drop!"

"Like planting a seed" I observed and Quillon nodded. "Which means anyone else can bring his clone out" I said in disbelief.

"There has to be another condition which we might be missing, but no time to think about it" Quillon stated and I agreed with him. I glanced at the other wolf and when I thought he would break free completely, I once again let thick branches and vines completely entwine his body.

"This won't work forever" Quillon said and I lowered my lashes. I knew I cannot forever keep him trapped like that.

"It is working now" I remarked and then walked towards the trapped one.

Quillon stopped mid-way and I furrowed my brows. "What happened?" I questioned.

"I can hear Duncan's thoughts" he said and I stared at him in confusion until Quillon let out an angry growl. "He destroyed all our vehicles" Quillon said and I closed my eyes. That's where the third one has escaped to!

The Shrewd Wolves (H&HP Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now