Chapter 10- "Timing"

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The demon released Milly from his clutches. "I shall let you live so you can spread the word of my sweet plans. Not that anyone would believe you anyway."

Milly was on the floor gasping for breath. May slowly turned to the demon and smile,"Master It's time for my death."

"Oh yes. Thank you my dear."

"Yes master."

"Well hurry along and jump."

May climbed on the edge of the building and turned around to face Milly. May began to chant before she released her self to death. Suddenly James came running in to see them in such a mess. His first though was on May . What would he do without her?.

The demon shouted to James, "So you are the famous love of her life I see. She could have done so much better."

"Get away from her!" James angrily replied.

"No way but I did some digging and I found out that you my friend are no better than me. You killed your own best friend but you prance around like you are as bright as day."

"It was an accident!!."

"Does May know that?" the demon turned to may as she finished her chant, "Did you know this my darling?"

"No master."

"Oh how sad."

James shouted to May," May please don't do this!! You are too gentle and kind and loving to be controlled by this thing. Even so I know you are a fighter."

May blinked and with a gentle voice she called out to him, "James? What's happening?"

The demon laughed and snapped his fingers and she departed. "You wont get her that easily."

James tried to run to her but the demon used his invincible power to hold him in the air.

"May darlin.... Jump."

May reliped, "Yes Master."

But before she let her whole body move with her mind James shouted, "MAY!"

His words trembled through her releasing her from the demons grip. As she snapped she panicked and upon realizing she was on the brink of death she jumped back on to the roof.  

"It's not possible!!" the demon exclaimed. Once again he snapped his fingers and she was back under his control.

Milly yelled to James," It's true love James. Just tell her how you feel shes still in there."

"I got it." James replied.

Once again James tried to get through to her," May. Since I meet you I knew you were special. Your smile made me feel so bright inside. You make everyone happy especially me. I'm sorry I left you behind but I'm here now."

May snapped out of it and turned to James,"What's going on.?"

"Your being controlled by the demon but you have to fight him."

"I don't know how? I don't even know whats happening."

"Just believe you can May I know you can?"

The demon grabbed onto May and choked her, "You are not getting away so easily." he blew into her face and took control of her but it was not as strong as it was before. She began to fight. He released her and commanded her to jump.

"I'm too weak James." May looked at James with tears flowing down her face.

James smiled at her, " Your are strong. I know this because that's why I fell in love with you."

His gentle words made her smile bright. She suddenly dropped to her knees and screamed.

The demon's power faded and James fell to the floor.

"What no. How could this happen. Your not strong enough."

"I am now." May screamed once again releasing as much air out and the demon melted away into nothingness. James ran to May and held her, "I knew you could do it."

She smiled  but slowly fainted away.


The next morning she woke up in the hospital and Milly and James sat next to her bed smiling.

May seemed to remember little of the events that played off but it was the believe that everything is okay in which she was able to laugh again. They vowed to never speak of it again. For the rest of the day they laughed and talked about such stupid stuff. James parents however allowed him to stay and look after the house. It seemed like a happily ever after for them. Later that night James and Milly left and sat down talking outside the hospital.

"Look Milly,  I am sorry about May getting hurt.  I know I should have taken better care of her." James muttered.

"It's okay and what's was that about your best friend's death all about." Milly questioned. 

"About that. Milly please don't say anything to May about this." James replied.

"What do you mean? I have too."

"Please. Atleast not now. I just want to make sure she is okay. "

"Seems fair. Fine"

"Thank you so much."


 May laid down in the hospital bed slowly falling asleep. As she passed out she saw a woman in her dreams.

"Who are you?" May questioned her.

"Your journey is not yet finished. You shall continue the fight for humanity."

"What are you talking about."

She touched her and a bright light over whelmed the room and she disappeared but what was left was a whisper,"You shall be called to protect from the dept."



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