Chapter 9 "Darken Sight"

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"Shes possessed my child." a voice murmured.

Milly awoke to reality not realizing that she was almost home.

A women drenched in water and shivering. Soaked not only physically but also emotionally. Her clothes were torn and damaged. She was torn from top to bottom and looked in a truthful spiritual daze. She sat at the side of the road with her head hanging down.

"Shes possessed my child." she repeated slowly lifting her head.

Slowly reversing her steps Milly replied, "Excuse?"

With total confidence in her words the lady muttered, "Your best-friend dear. Have you not seen it's shadowy form devouring her."

Milly's face turned questionably to the lady but normally it's hard to believe the words of a homeless stranger but why was it that she felt like a believer. Milly replied with a tone of fear but trust for the answer, "What do you mean?"

"My dear. Do you know know that a child with with pure eyes turned to death. A child of joy filled with sorrow. She lashes out with strength of a million men. She is becoming the beast he wants her to be."

The memories flowed back to her head of everything she mentioned. The changes in her eyes while they were talking. Her moods of depression. The brutal force she pushed her. The one question that circled her mind was, Can it be true?

"I know what you are thinking. Can this old mental woman be telling the truth. Believe it or not I am not mad. I speak only the truth but the folks seem to think I have gone mad because they refuse to understand the truth. I lost my husband to the demon that posses your friend."

"What? How do you know that?"

"Cause of my gift but nevermind that. You have to save your friend before it is too late. You are running out of time."

"Too late?"

"Hes going to kill her just as he did my husband. It's the final stage of his ritual to gain alot of strength."How do I save her.?"

The woman laughed, "The love is the light in the darkness."

Milly struggled for the meaning.

"Love is the light in the darkness? What does it mean?" She glared deeper into the woman. In bitter rage she grabbed hold of the poor woman and shook her vigorously hoping that maybe she could shake the answer out of her but to no avail. Milly began running off to her house and a few distance away the lady muttered to herself, " Be glad I told you. No one was there to seek me through it. But you and your friend have yet to see true darkness." She smiled and began to laugh.

Milly flung open the door and ran to her room. She threw her bag on the floor then sat down and began researching the mythology of such a demonic presence. She wasn't sure to be afraid or be relieved to know the truth was found. With such a knowledge staring her in the face she began to gain a feeling of disbelieve driving her to denial.

Immediately she tried calling May but no answer so she tried to get through to James.

As she called each ring made her feel like she was going mad until...

"Hello?" James answered.

In a panicking tone Milly started. "James. I don't know what to do. Help me please. James tell me shes okay." she began crying.

"What are you talking about Milly. Just slow down and tell me what's wrong."

"I think May's in trouble."

"What? How ? Shes safe Milly shes in the hospital."

"No.. you don't understand shes going to kill herself. Something is possessing her."

"What?" James laughed ,"Milly nice try but I wont fall for it. I know you want me to stay but I can't its my parents say not mine."

"Please. I swear I wont lie to you just please... Help Me."

James however was already at the airport with his parents, "Um .. I will see if I can convince my parents."

"Thank you. What should I do?"

Go see if she is at the hospital and call me okay."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"No problem just hurry."

They hung up and Milly hustled back to the hospital. James tried convincing his parents but nothing. So he did what he had to do for love. James ran out of the airport leaving his parents behind to go to the hospital.


The night seemed darker than usual. Milly arrived at the hospital and ran inside in search of her. Milly heard a scream coming from May's room so she ran in to see a terrible sight. May stood over the witch caretaker. Blood ran down the woman's face and fear was marker all over it.  May turned around and claws stemmed from her nails, blood red eyes and a tail that seemed to be sprouting from her rear. Milly muttered, "May sweety. It's me Milly."

May's head tilted then with a demonic voice she said, " You are a traitor. I am a kemono and your death will be swift unless you want to suffer."

Milly closed her eyes and muttered, "I know I hurt you May. I am sorry but if you want to kill me for it then do it. I don't deserve to be alive after all that I put you through."

May growled giving way for her vicious teeth to be born and as she lashed out and was about to take Milly's life a voice whispered in her head, "It is time."  

As Milly opened her eyes May was gone. She ran out looking for May once more leaving the woman behind. She ran up to the roof.

 May however was sitting out on the roof of the hospital laughing and talking to her self. May was human once again. Milly ran towards her but May pushed her away. Upon seeing Milly thoughts of their argument  suddenly angered her and she lashed out and ripped the door from its standing place on the roofs entrance. She punched a hole through the wall- For a small girl you would be amazed by the strength of her body-. She walked to the edge of the building and slightly leaned over to see her future fall to sudden death. Her eyes blood red in colour, her veins swollen through her skin and pumping with her heart. She had become a monster once again. A puppet at the strings of the demon. As she stood at the edge he suddenly showed his true self. He emerged from a dept of the black smoke his hands hairy , his claws sharp and pointy. His body furry with a well built muscular form. Wings large and fully feathered with a pointed claw at the top corner. His feet just as beastly as his hands. but his face was a more terror. He had horns of a bull, Ears of a bat, Blood red eyes and humanly jaw with the sharp teeth of a shark. This was the beast of the century. He bowed in courtesy for her and gently whisper," It's my pleasure to make your wonderful acquaintance."

May replied with a delicate tone, "The pleasure is all mine master."

"What a sweet little flower you are. I had such fun with my final victim. You my dear are a gold mine for my immense power which I shall rule this worthless world with. I shall devour every man and create my human slavery plan."

"Quite brilliant master."

"Oh darling you are far too kind. Shall we begin the ritual my sweet."

"We shall master."

They began to chant. They were almost at the end of the ritual as he slit her wrist and dropped 3 drops of blood in the center of the sacrificial center.

Milly awoke from her unconscious state. 

"Oh how lovely an audience." The demon laughed

"Your sick.. and eww don't you wear clothes." Milly muttered.

"Fashion is overrated where I live." the demon replied.

"Then get with the programme."

"Enough with your petty human likes." the demon raised his hand and suddenly Milly began to rise in the air slowly choking to death.

May turned to her and smiled," Well done master."

"Why thank you my sweet May."

Milly with the little air she had began to mutter her words,"May please? You aren't a monster. Wake up."

This had no effect as it seemed she was already gone. 

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