Chapter 3- "Deadly Whispers"

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'Just run and hide, then let the pain consume you' , a voice whispered as though consume with the purpose of devouring one's life.

'No stop... I ... I won't give into you... Get out of my head!' She screamed as though tempted to end all life within her.

'They call you names and drive you to cry ... Unleash your anger ... End it now!'


As she awoke with a loud scream of terror and a vision of death within her eyes. She stood in front  of the mirror and there she look dead into her terrorize eyes and visions of death fill flashes in her mind. She dropped to her knees and cried but the depth of sleep held tight to the family members. A cold atmosphere filled her room..."End it now" a whisper slowly consumed her mind. She dropped flat on the floor and curled up then gazed outside her window. A shadow seems to stand still on the rooftop of the building next door. A face of remembrance? Or a misunderstanding?. 'No it can't be?' And a blink of the eye it disappeared. She held her breath and closed her eyes until the break of day peaked through the edge of the earth.

She opened her eye as the light hit her face and the warm morning light sparkled on her eye lashes. It was a Saturday but she had classes so she got ready and headed up the road. 


As she arrived and slowly strolled up the stairs of the pink and blue building with the well painted concrete fence. As she stepped into the class, there he was. James sat there with his head on the desk with his head phones on and he seemed to be day dreaming but her hesitation chocked her . She slowly walked in and when she stepped next to him she tripped and his swift reflexes helped him to catch her and for that first five seconds they froze. He gazed into her eyes and he saw her true self but she stayed there holding his shoulder tightly. Reality struck them and she jumped up.

"s-sorry..." she said as she bowed her head.

With a simple half smile he pushed the headphones in his bag," It's aright. I think it's cute."

She pulled out her rubber band from her hair and it slowly fell and he stared at her beauty.

"What is it?" she muttered shyly. 

"Nothing." he glanced at his bag . She walked further in the back and sat down.

"I doubt you would leave me alone... Would you?" he turned around and gave her a slight smile.

"No way. I am not going to get mobbed by the female math geeks of this class for you."

"Well... I guess I have to change your mind."

"What do you mean?"

He got up and walked towards her then leaned over the table and he slowly came up close up to her face.

"W-what are you d-doing?" she mumbled to him as her faced turned pink and her cheeks turned red.

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"I-I d-don't k-know. Your to close to me."

As he came closer so much so their noses touched. May jumped and fell back on the chair and hit her head. "I'm so sorry!" he shouted and ran to pick her up, "You are really clumsy. You know that." he said as he picked her up. She stood up and looked at him. A moment of silence sifted through the air. Her phone rang and killed the silence.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey its me Milly."

"Hey Milly, what's up?"

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