Chapter 4- "Care"

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Authors Note: So for those of you who read my book so far, Thank you. I hope you guy's like it so far. Just leave a comment of this you are not sure about or you think could change and hit that star at the end to show some love ^^. 

'Beep...beep' the sound of the hospital machine rang like a disturbance in the air.

Her eyes slowly opened and she looked around with her half sighted eyes as though awoken from a terrible dream, the cream color room filled her eyes. The hospital bed torn as though a terrible war occurred. The cupboards dangling as though on the edge of existence. How ever everything else seemed to be in place, the glittering decor, the small sink in the corner of the room, a pink door seemingly leading to the bathroom seemed to he held steady and machinery that weirdly glossed.  A room of progress is what it seemed to be.

Her eyes laid on the woman with her brown hair tied up , in a nurse attire with a gentle complexion. A face of innocence and eyes of care.

''I see you are awake'' the nurse said in a gentle voice.

''Where am i ?'' May answered with a little tremble in her voice as though she hasn't spoke in ages.

''This is a hospital.''

''Why..why am i here?''

''Well a young man brought you here. In the right time to because you lost a lot of blood.''

Her memories of what she had done clustered her mind as every deadly flash of her near death experience ran like a faucet. She screamed and held her head, "Why... Why... Why!!!!". She pulled the cover and tried to get out of bed, "I have to get out of here."

"STOP!!! What are you doing, that is not safe to do." the nurse ran to her and tried to stop her.

A sudden rage over came May and then and there she pushed the nurse aside and headed out the dim hallway.

"May! What are you doing?" James yelled running towards her.

"Uh... What....What are you doing here?" she said as her eyes widen in shock to see him.

"Lets get you back to bed and I promise to explain everything. Okay?"

"Uh... Okay..."


Damit! He always makes me feel flustered. Okay May you are a pro you can do this. I wish I don't even know what I'm doing.


He guided her back to the room and put her back to bed. He looked down and the fiery red blood stained his hands and her clothes. The nurse asked James to leave so she could fix the wound. James walked outside of the room and waited nervously for the nurse to finish.

"I'm sorry I pushed you." May looked at the nurse with sincere eyes.

"It's okay... I am glad that you are okay now... I was a bit worried because you seemed as though you were one of the troubled ones."

"I guess you see right through me." she gave a slight smile.

"I have been there... The key is staying strong and you will make it. Okay all done."

"Thank you so much."

"You are very welcomed." she smiled then left the room.

James entered and smiled at her and at that moment all her worries disappeared. It was like he felled the hole in her heart. 

"Are you okay now?" James asked.

"Um... Yea I am..." she looked down as though troubled, "I'm sorry..."

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