Chapter 8 "Lost Connection"

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As days went by May was abused both privately and publicly. Abused outside where all the neighbors stood and watched but never said a word, ending up with cuts and bruises and no one asked a question or even raised a finger but they stood and watched as though it was an entertainment show. School opened back and it was back to school and to a surprise the witch allowed her to attend school. It was the only place she could be safe and away from her but yet still just the thought of going back to that house gave her a sense of distress every moment. Milly was at camp the entire vacation so she didn't know about what was happening with May. Milly tried her hardest to talk to May but she kept shutting her out each time because she was too busy. It was lunch time and as usual May sat at the bench at the back of the school away from every one. Milly followed her and they sat down in silence. Milly tried to get her to eat, "May you have to eat something."

In anger May slapped the food out of her hand and stood up, "I don't want to eat okay."

"Whats wrong with you? Ever since I came back you wont even tell me whats going on with you."

"Well if you would at least listen to me then you would know."

"I told you that I was busy at camp. I barely had time for myself."


Milly stood up and hugged May tight."I'm sorry... You're my best friend and I am always here for you so you could talk to me."

The words stroked May's heart so tenderly as she thought about them but she was over taken by anger and raged so she pushed Milly away and ran. She ran into James and he grabbed hold of her. As she realized the situation she jumped back and wiped away the tears.

In shock he asked,"May? You okay?"

She bowed her head walked away and muttered,"I'm Okay."

He realized she was running from behind the school so he investigated and saw Milly sitting on the bench. He walked over and sat next to her then pat her head and whispered,"Mind telling me whats wrong?"

She turned to him and started crying but the only words that came out were," She hates me."

With slight encouragement he hugged her and said,"I guess you don't know huh?"

She raised her head,"What you mean?"

"May is going through some troubles since she became an orphan."

"What? How?"

"Some woman appeared and apparently she is her legal caretaker. But she abuses her constantly."

Wiping away her tears Milly understood why she acted out towards her,"But why didn't she tell me?"

"It's not something anyone would publicly announce would they? But atleast she wont just hate you for long though."

"What you mean by that?"

"Just found out I have to leave for a month or two or maybe for good depending how things work for my dad."

"But... You can't. May loves you."

"I love her to but what's the point if I won't be coming back right? And all I could do was talk to her on the phone over the vacation. I wasn't even allowed near the house."

"I understand but atleast tell her how you feel."

"Won't matter. I'm leaving next week."

"Thank you for telling me but you can't leave."

"No worries. You're gonna have to keep her company when I'm gone anyway considering i have no choice in the matter."

He got up and slide his hands into his pockets and casually walked away. Milly sat there thinking about what her next move was. Meanwhile May sat in class with her head on the table thinking about her dreadful life. Suddenly she felt someone pull her hair and as she looked up it was Leri - like if she didn't have enough worries- and she held her hair tight. May gave a tiny screech and tried to get her to let go.

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