"He's still having a blast." She beamed with delight. "Regina keeps him while I work, and him and Roland put all that stuff he got for his birthday to good use. Right now he's actually at their house, probably high on sugar with Frank running around like a maniac."

"You sent the hell hound along with him?" I smiled at the thought of the only meeting Frank and I have had.

"Hell hound?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"The only interaction that dog and I have had has been him barking like mad at me."

"Fair enough. Yes, since I'll be back late I figured someone needed to keep an eye on him."

At that moment, her phone went off. She checked it and laughed the way she only did when it came to Henry. Once we were stopped at a stop light, she showed me what she was sent. It was a video of the boys being chased by Frank in a yard, when he caught up to Roland, the dog covered him in what were sure to be slobber filled kisses.

"They'll be sleeping well tonight, then." I laughed and took off when the light turned green.

"Hopefully. He can be a handful at times, but he's a good kid."

We arrived at the wedding venue and I parked the car. Once we were ready to go in, I offered my arm. Emma was hesitant.

"Come now, Swan. I don't bite." I said.

She grinned at me playfully and tucked her arm into mine. She walked me to the front of the church where I would be standing as my brother's best man. Liam turned and positively beamed at us.

"Emma!" He leaned in and hugged her. "Thank you for being brave enough to accompany my little brother tonight."

"Younger brother." I corrected him. We were grown men, neither of us was bigger or smaller.

"It's good to see you, Liam. Congratulations." She said in return.

"Thank you."

The three of us continued to converse until the minister announced that the ceremony would begin soon and we needed to take our seats. I told Emma to sit in the front row, and joking asked her not to be jealous when I had to walk down the aisle with one of Elsa's bridesmaids. She rolled her eyes at me but took her seat. Usually, the front was reserved for family, but seeing as Liam and I had none, Emma was the closest thing.

The ceremony was a tear jerker. Liam cried when Elsa made her way down the aisle to him, and I placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. He took her hand and I caught Emma's eye, smiling at her as she smiled back.

Vows were spoken and a very eager kiss was shared between the newlyweds. I took the arm of Anna, Elsa's little sister and her maid of honor. Liam and Elsa were swept away and the rest of us were ushered into a room just outside the dance hall.

Once the wedding party was introduced, we dispersed to our dates. I made my way over to sit next to Emma at a table as we were served our dinner. We ate and chatted.

"That's was beautiful. I've never met Elsa but she seems to nice." Emma commented.

"She is, her and her family are loving and have accepted Liam and I without hesitation. It's nice to be part of a family." I said.

"Yeah, it is." I could tell she was thinking about Henry again.

"Emma, we can leave early if you like, and you can pick Henry up." I offered, thinking she might miss her son.

"Oh, Killian no. I love Henry so much, but I have only had a couple of nights away from him, and like I said before, he's a handful. Seven year olds are work, I'll be glad to pick him up in the morning but right now I want to take a little time to have fun."

"Just let me know if you change your mind." I assured her.

She shook her head at me. "You question yourself too much."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know what's going through your head, you always think people don't want to be around you. I know what it's from." She was referring to my childhood, your own father abandoning you could mess with your head. "You're a good person." She gripped my hand lightly.

I smiled at her and she smiled back, but she must have remembered what she was doing and took her hand back.

"Thank you, Swan."

After everyone ate, speeches were made. Including one from me. I thanked my brother for always being there for me and being my role model growing up, saying that he did a hell of a job at it. I thanked Elsa for loving him and being the best thing in his life, and her family for welcoming us with open arms. Finally, I thanked Emma for accompanying me for the night, causing a great blush to creep up her neck.

"I'm happy to do it, you know." She said when I sat down.

"I know. But such an act requires equal recognition." I had the urge to lean over and kiss her cheek, but I resisted.

Soon, the room turned into a dance party. I danced with Emma mostly, and with my two new sisters in law. Anna also had a little girl not much older than Henry that asked me for a dance. I jokingly asked that Emma not be jealous, she laughed and smiled down at the little girl before finding Liam while Elsa and Anna danced together. In the middle of the dance, I glanced over at her and she was watching us adoringly.

It took a few tries, but I got Emma to slow dance with me. I held her at a comfortable distance as she smiled and swayed with me.

A minute in, she leaned in cautiously and tucked her head into my neck. I pulled her a little closer as my brother looked our way and winked at me with a thumbs up.

Suddenly, there was a bit of a disturbance in the crowd. I thought maybe it was a group of children, but then a man with a video camera showed up.

"Can I get a message from the best man and brother of the groom, and his lovely date?" He asked me. I forgot, Elsa hired him to go around and get video messages from everyone wishing them well.

"I love you, Liam!" I said into the camera. "You're the best older brother a man could ask for! I wish you and Elsa many years of happiness and health!"

Then he turned to Emma.

"You two are so perfect for each other!" She said happily. "You've got a bright and happy future ahead! Congratulations!"

"How about a kiss?" The camera man insisted. I was prepared to inform him we weren't a couple when Emma cupped my face in her hand and kissed me. My arm was still around her waist so I gripped her tighter.

"Great job you two!" He said and moved on to the next person.

I started down at Emma in shock. She licked her lips and I watched them carefully. As if to prove to me this wasn't a dream, she leaned up again and I met her halfway, burying my hand in her hair as I kissed her with all I had. Months of going without this made it that much more satisfactory.

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