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Julie Plec:
Leah, we've been trying to reach you in the light of the new news.

Sorry. I had my phone off. It's been blowing up.

Julie Plec:
We'd like for you to come to the office as soon as tomorrow so we can discuss this.

Well, it might be a tad difficult since I'm in Chicago.

Julie Plec:
Alright, I might as well say it here. We'd love to have you back. We admit it was our mistake. We should have done an investigation.


Julie Plec:
We are offering you back your intern position.

Wait, what?

Julie Plec:
I pressed for your old positioned. But meanwhile, it's already been filled by one of the other interns.


Julie Plec:
That, I can't disclose.

Julie, please.

Julie Plec:
Fine. But I didn't tell you this.


Julie Plec:
She was the most recent hacked. She was going to be fired. But since she did not leak anything, she is going to keep her position.

And you can't, of course offer me a job that someone else has.

Julie Plec:
Correct. I can only offer you an intern position as that's what's available.
Please think about it. I've been told you can think about it for two weeks before we have to start searching for more interns.

Okay. Thank you.

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