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Hybrid dick:

5 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
Can we meet today after work and talk?
Leah, I'm really sorry.

3 hours later

Hybrid dick:
No one is talking to me on set Leah. But Daniel did write me a note saying he saw you pass by during lunch.

4 hours later

Hybrid dick:
Alright well, you haven't read any of my messages. I've already left work. And I'm at home. I'm really exhausted but if you want to meet, please let me know, alright?

30 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
I'm going to sleep, Leah.
Good night 😘

15 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
I can't sleep. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Yes, I did something wrong. Yes, I'm still married to Persia. But we are on the process of getting divorced. Divorces take a long time, Leah. And yes, we where in a break while I met you. But I don't regret any of this. I don't regret kissing you. I don't regret meeting you.
Good night again, and I'm sorry if you were already sleeping and I woke you.

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
I think I'm falling in love with you.

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
Yep, there it is. As stupid as it is to say those words over text. There they are.

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