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Hybrid dick:
It's not my turn today and I was advised against this

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
Daniel says I sound desperate

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
Dani says I'm stupid

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
And well, I just miss you. I wish you'd return and we could fix this. I'm sure we could get to the bottom of who leaked those scripts. We could do this, you and I. I consider myself a decent detective

4 hour later

Hybrid dick:
I just ran a few errands and I kept thinking, what if it was Persia that leaked those scripts?

40 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
I can't stop thinking about this remote possibility

4 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
Should I ask Persia if she did it?

3 hours later

Hybrid dick:
She still hasn't replied.

2 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
You suck

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
You're such a bitch. Why did you fucking leave without saying goodbye

3 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
I'm a fucking idiot
God, Leah. I trusted you

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
I hate you.

3 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
Of course it was Persia, she's a bitch.

1 hour later

Hybrid dick:
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
I didn't send those texts
It was Dani.

2 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
Leah, please.
I would never say those things.

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
Do you want to hear a joke?

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
I'll take that as a yes
Where does a cat go when it dies?

3 minutes later

Hybrid dick:
That was a big hit with Daniel, to be honest

1 minute later

Hybrid dick:
I'm going to go. I love you. I hope you're well.
Read 1:30 am

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