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LEAH HAD GOTTEN a text from Dani three hours ago. They all said the same thing.

Don't forget to pick me up

I won't

I'm about to board

Okay, safe flight!

I'll land at 4. Be there 10 minutes before



Leah hadn't forgotten. She was waiting for Dani exactly where she knew she had to pick up her bags. She had arrived fifteen minutes earlier than she was supposed to. All throughout the day she had been telling herself not to forget about picking up Dani. She had written it in her phone.

In sticky notes all throughout the house.

It was everywhere, like a big neon sign. She was going to see Dani. And perhaps, she'd be as mad as ever. Or maybe she wouldn't. Maybe she'd be cold and distant. Maybe they wouldn't even hug. But as Leah waited, she realized she didn't have to wait for much longer because in the distance, was Dani. She was walking beside Danielle, the two of them seemingly lost in conversation.

Had they finally bonded? Leah hoped so.

Danielle noticed her first, from the distance, she waved. She had a pair of dark sunglasses at the crown of her head. She looked casual in light blue jeans and a bright pink t-shirt, which made her small pink blushed cheeks pop. She looked perfectly content, a smile across her lips.

Dani was a different story. She looked tired, despite the makeup she was probably wearing under her eyes. Even her clothes didn't fit the norm. Usually, she'd be wearing something classy and bright, but instead a pair of black leggings rested against her legs, a baggy sweater that Leah recognized as one of her ex-boyfriend's on her torso.

What was even odder was the lack of heels Dani was wearing. On her feet were tan Uggs. Her appearance worried Leah, if only for a moment. And she shook that thought away. She was probably tired. And she didn't have time to get ready, yes, that was probably it. When the two of them closed the gap between them, Leah looked at Dani.

She waited.

Perhaps, for permission.

She didn't want to be slapped away (which believe her, had happened too many times to count) she wondered for a split second if she had slapped Daniel when they first kissed. Probably.

"Leah!" Danielle said. She hugged Leah tightly and a few seconds later, let go. Hugging Danielle felt weird. It was like Leah was hugging almost nothing at all. 

Dani stared at her.

"Did you have a good flight?" Leah asked. She directed her question to Danielle and not Dani, who was still at the moment, staring at her. She didn't even seem to blink.

"Yes, we did," she replied, with a smile on her lips. Leah liked to consider herself a happy person but Danielle was another level.

No wonder Dani struggled. But Leah had to admit that happiness was contagious. Because she too, was feeling happy-ish.

"Sup," Dani finally spoke. She gave Leah a tiny smile, before sending her a small wave in greeting. Then, without even looking at either of the two girls, she started walking to the airport exit.

So, Leah guessed they weren't in good terms.

"I'm just fucking with you," Dani turned on her heel, dropping her carry-on and rushing toward Leah. The two girls embraced, Dani going as far as to wrap her legs around Leah's hips. All three of the girls were laughing, and Leah swore she saw a tear in Dani's eye. "I've missed you. Would you look at that. You're making me soft."

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