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LEAH GOT A tour of the studio. She meet with the main writers of the new developing show and was allowed to ask them questions. Leah was impressed with what they had written so far. The show was basically a modern rom-com, who used much of social media and text messages to move the story forward. The title of the show was still a work in progress.

It had gone from being named "chat" to "connected" to "online" Leah had suggested "happy-ish" and the writers had paused thoughtfully. It wasn't exactly a good title. But it was somewhat better than they had. Leah meet Josh Carson and talked further about the show. She sat in his office, her hands on her lap as she licked her lips. There was something bothering her.

"Why—" she began before she stopped herself. "Why me? There must be more experienced writers than me. This hasn't been a job interview as it has been offering me this job."

"You came highly recommended. I have worked with Julie Plec before and when we were first speaking about the possibility of a new show, she recommended you. The others writers from the show also wrote shinning recommendations," Josh pulled up a pile and began to read off them. "'Leah Piper is a brilliant screen writer. She comes up with twists and turns you did not expect' would you like me to go on?"

"So you're hiring me for the contacts I have not because of my work itself?" She asked. She knew using the word contacts was wrong. They weren't contacts. They were co-workers that felt guilty and had done this to take the guilt off their chests.

"That is not correct, Ms. Piper. Julie, showed me one of the scripts you wrote. Now, the material you wrote for the originals isn't the same as the one for this show, but we know you you'll do an excellent job," Josh told her. 

Leah played with her blazer's button and nodded. Josh spoke up before she could. "You can question our motives Ms. Piper but the truth is, we want to hire the best. Will you think about the job? Will you tell us what you think, soon?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you," Leah stood up and firmly shook his hand. Josh walked her out of his office. And Josh's secretary, Mary, walked Leah out of the building as it was filled with confusing turns.  Leah stood in the empty parking lot, finding no sight of Marnie's car.

She found a small bench under some shade and sent her a message.

You liar
You promised to wait

I said I'd think about it

well I'm waiting outside

Chill, I was joking. I'm just across the street. I wanted some froyo 
Five minutes okay, Piper?

You're the worst

Well, worst is your ride

Alright, alright. I'll wait

Leah got comfortable on the bench, as much as she could anyway, on its hard surface. It was easy to think when she was alone. It was easy to think about Joseph. It was easy to want to fly to Atlanta and slap him. She opened up her messages and scrolled up to what she had missed. What—

With trembling hands, she tapped on home and called Dani.

Oh my god! Oh my god. Oh. My. God.

Leah heard the phone ring but Dani didn't reply. She sent her a message instead, her heart hammering against her chest.


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