“Wha..What if they have her, what if they went back and they have her, and killed her. She was my best friend” I said crying even more, Jinxx joined in with the hug.

“Right, borrow my phone to right her, then we will buy you a new one!” Ash said handing me his phone, I rang her number, someone picked up.

“Err Hello? Abbi?” I said and I heard a sigh of relief.

“BETH! Are you okay? What happened? Where are you?!!??” She panicked down the phone, a smile grew on my face.

“I’m with friend, I’m fine..we just got robbed that’s all...I’m sure our insurance will cover it” I said calming her down,

“I will be home tonight, just stay calm, ring Mum and Dad and tell them I’m fine, please, I have to go I will talk to you tonight okay?” I said to her trying to clam her down,

“Okay, Bye, Love you LAODS”

“I love you to”  tear of joy fell from my eyes and I gave Ash hi phone back,

“Thanks” I said kissing him on the cheek, Ash smiled


I could see Sammi wanted to get shopping, so I smiled at her,

“Let’s shop!” I said and liked arms with her and we went off shopping whilst Jiinxx and Ash walked behind us.


 I watched Beth making friends with Sammi, the more time I spent with Beth the more I liked her, the more I fell in love she is amazing, and when I saved her that night I just knew I had found the one. I love her.

I know I have know her for 1day but people can fall in love in a day right? Can’t they?

“Ash” Jinxx said and I snapped out of my daydream,

“Yeah man?”

“What’s up?”

“Nothing           I was just day dreaming..”

“You like her don’t you!”

“Keep it down she will hear you,”

“You do.”

“Yes! I do, I like her loads”

Jinxxed smiled at me, then smiled at Beth, then did a hand gesture to Sammi trying to show her that I like Beth, of course I slapped him on the back of his head and he stopped.


The day went on and me and Sammi became super good friends, we got back to the bus, I helped her make dinner then they drove me home, Ash walked me to my front door.


“Your welcome” He smiled at me

“Err wanna come in? Or..”


I opened the door and My sister jumped on me, I hugged her,

“What happened?”

“I will explain later”

“Okay! Who’s that?” She said pointing to Ash,

“Ash, my friend” I said pulling him into the kitchen and she followed us.

“So, where id you go?” She asked me, and Ash told her what happened, and she was devastated, for some reason the robbers had only stole the xbox, wii, and our tv...that was all I don’t know why they just did.

Ash stayed to 12:00am and he told the guys he will meet them at the hotel, Ash got up and I walked him out the door, when I was with him I felt safe, and I felt that he would always be there from now on, Ash opened the door and, he said bye and started walking down my drive.

“ASH!” I shouted and he turned around, and I ran up to him.

“It quite cold out...so umm...wanna stay over tonight?” I asked and he looked at me confused, and I just smiled.

“Yes!” He said and I brought him back inside, and we went to my room, I got into bed and he go in beside me, it was cute, Ash put his arms around me and had his head on my shoulder, I turned around so we were face to face, we started into each others eyes.

I kissed him,

“Thank you...” I said blushing a little

“It’s fine” Ash kissed me again,

“I feel safe in your arms..not like Dad safe, but like safe safe, like nothing can hurt me, not even heart break” I said walking my fingers up and down his bare chest.

“I won’t let anything hurt you..especially not me.” He said kissing my head, I smiled and went to sleep in his arms. 

My seacond chaper:') What did you think? Like the new POV? More new POV'S to come:) How cute is Sammi??

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