Shop Till You Drop - 34

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Your POV

I dragged my feet through the shop, officially bored and in need of a lie down. A computer is a computer, isn't it? Does it really take 2 hours to look at computers? Yes. It seems like it does. According to Mark anyway.
I clicked around on the screen using the computers wifi to play stupid free games until Mark came up behind me. "Why are you playing the impossible quiz?" He wondered smiling to himself.
The screen lit up with the Game Over screen and I turned to Mark. "I was bored. Are you done yet?" I whined.
He chucked at my complaining. "Yer. Almost done. I just need to buy it." I smiled and he took my hand, taking me to the front of the shop where a guy was standing waiting patiently for Mark to pay for the big box of electrical stuff.

Once it was all payed for, we walked out the shop and dumped the box in the car. "Alright where to now?" Mark asked happily.
I thought for a moment. "Um. I need to go to TopShop." I told him dragging him along the pavement, back to the vast line of shops.
He rolled his eyes. "Do we have to?" He moaned dragging his feet across the floor. "You'll spend ages in there." He carried on.
I nodded, tugging him by the arm. "Yes we do have to because I need new jeans and that's the only place that sells them in my exact size. Plus I know what I need it will literally take 5 minutes." I reassured him. Mark wasn't so sure through. "Just because I'm a girl does not mean I'm going to take forever in shops Mark." I laughed.

We got to the desires shop and I ran straight for the jean section. I rummaged through the rack to find my size, sitting at the back tucked behind the rest of them. "Got them." I announced to Mark.
His eyes widened "that's it? Your done?" He smiled. I nodded. "Well I underestimated you. I thought you would take all day." He chuckled.
I shook my head. "No honey, that's you." I joked, walking to the check out.
He scoffed. "I don't take a long time." He began defensively. "I was just browsing and it's a needed item for work so I needed to take my time." He tried to make excuses.
I just laughed. "Course. Yer. I understand." I said sarcastic walking up to the lady at the till.

Mark clasped my hand tight, swinging it back and forth, walking down the street. We passed many shops until we got to Game. "Ooo (Y/N). Please can I have a look in here." He pleaded. I nodded, running into the shop like a kid in a sweet shop. We looked round at all the games, Mark waving round disks and poking at random things of the shelves. I picked up one or two games to find Mark already had them in his hand along with half the rest of the shop. After buying the mountain of games, I dragged my excitable boyfriend to HMV where I spent a good half an hour looking up and down the racks of CDs. "Now I'm bored. This is the shop you spend to long in. There are so many CDs!" He complained standing behind me and pointing around.
I chuckled and picked up a CD, turning it over, then looking back at the cover. "I'll buy this then we can go home if you want." Mark nodded frantically.
"Can we have cuddled when we get home because I'm tired and I want to lie with you." He asked resting his chin on my shoulder. I nodded back at him and he began doing a little dance. "yay. Love you (Y/N)" he kissed my cheek and rushed me to the queue to pay.

We returned to the car and got in. Mark didn't particularly listen to music in the car but I put the radio on to a fairly high volume and began singing to Miss Jackson which was playing. I danced to the beat and sang loudly. Mark joined in with the chorus to my surprise but it was easy to remember. As the song finished we pulled into the drive way and took our bags out the car. Dumping our stuff in the house, Mark locked the car, we took our shoes off and he turned to me. "Race you upstate." He laughed running up the wooden staircase and along the landing to our room. I followed him into the bedroom where I saw him lying on the bed. "Walking into the room like a loooosssser" he chuckled.
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Not getting any hugs, like a loooossssser" I returned.
His eyes widened and looked sad. "Oh no pwees. I need hugs." He whimpered. I giggled and jumped on the bed falling into his arms.


I watched Mark edits for an hour... Um, I think I need to stop. I'm also so annoyed at myself because I really need to draw but nothing is working. Do you guys get that when you have an idea but it just compleat let fails miserably. It's really infuriating. -A

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