✍ @CrestFallenStar✍

Start from the beginning

4. Peccata means 'sin' in latin, and there are six members of the Peccata. So, six sins. Meilin could be included as seven, like their leader or whatever, but then Bohai and Fang would also have to be added. Anyway, it wouldn't work as 'seven sins'. It would be nine. Technically, though, there's only six. SO YEAH. THERE'S THAT. (Drakkon)

5. Daiyu is actually a really weak type of person since she's scared of bloodshed and hates the thought of death, but she's supposed to be a complete 180 from Meilin, who kills and doesn't care. (Drakkon)

6. I hate the idea of the dude changing his ways because of a girl. Like, you can improve yourself, but don't change who you are. One of the themes in Drakkon is ACCEPTING him for who he is, even if he isn't what you like. Daiyu has never asked Meilin to change and Meilin made it clear that he's not going to change who he is. He's evil and she better accept it, or . . . You get the picture. (Drakkon)

7. Schemers was so much fun to write because there were so many manipulating and planning to do with it. I loved toying with the characters. I'm kind of sadistic when it comes to my stories, haha. (Schemers)

8.Bohai is actually much sneakier and sadistic than he looks or acts. (Drakkon)

9. I'm so disgusted with my writing style back when I wrote Chasing Danger. Like I want to puke anytime I see someone voting or commenting on it. Like please, don't put me through the torture of reading my horrible grammar and limited vocab. Please. (Chasing Danger)

10. When I was writing Schemers, I was always really nervous when I wrote the Spanish that Miguel would speak, because I was scared that I would mess up the words or convey a different feeling. I guess I was scared I would offend someone with my horrible Spanish skills. I took Spanish classes, but my Spanish obviously isn't the best. (Schemers)

11. I'm so in love with anime and manga. It's such a beautiful and artistic way to tell a story. It's a form of storytelling and as writers, I think we should respect ALL forms of storytelling since that's what we do. Writing, drawing, photographing—whatever it is, we have to appreciate the story behind it.

12. People don't expect me to be an anime/manga lover since I don't 'look' like it. I'm a nerd at heart, though I may look girly-girlish on the outside, haha.

4. What would you say to your fans/readers? do you have a name for them? Who has really been a big inspiration for you in writing and why?.How does your stories inspire, help others

pt2: Who do you want to see interviewed and why?

CREST: I would thank them for their support, of course! My 'fans' (it's kind of weird referring to them as that, I guess. haha) are the best. They're really supportive and I love them. Anyway, I would probably tell them to continue writing if they want to become a writer or write a story. Nobody starts off as a great writer, so you just have to keep writing. Even if it sucks at first, KEEP WRITING. In the beginning, I was HORRIBLE at writing, but I kept at it and actually rewrote some of the old horrible stories I made when I was younger.

My biggest inspiration is probably from anime, manga, movies, books, tv, people in my life, the world, history, etc. Everything I see in this world, I learn from, and as a result, I'm inspired from that.

My biggest supporters, though, are my mom, my sister, and my really good friend (You know who you are, N.A.)

I don't really know how my stories help people. I hope they help people quench their boredom, haha. I have gotten one message saying that my story, Forgetting Innocence, helped them see the pain they were causing their loved ones by being suicidal and by self harming. That's the only message I've gotten that told me that my writing helped someone.

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