Chapter 35 - Reliving

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"I know, Marcel." Sophie finally spoke up. "She is clearly gone now and she won't be coming back, I can assure you that." She says emphasizing the word 'clearly'.

I felt the need to roll my eyes but something tells me that she already knew. Hearing the front door slam once more instantly sent a rush of relief in my body. I slowly but cautiously opened the closet door to find Hayley and Sophie frowning at me.

"Well that was close.." I laughed uncomfortably.

"You need to leave now." Sophie ordered.

I grumbled as I turned towards the front door. Hayley and Sophie luckily didn't follow me. I took this opportunity to run upstairs in hopes of finding Klaus. Then a thought occurred in my head, if he was really here then why hasn't he tried communicating with me? I shook off the thought in my head and checked the first door I saw. He was nowhere to be found. Afterwards I checked every other door that were in my sight but no luck. Maybe he wasn't even here..Maybe he really is dead.

I stood in the middle of the hallway for a minute and let the thought process. This isn't right..There has to be another room I'm missing here. My eyes glanced around the hallway. I looked at both sides then on the ground. If this house had a basement then its bound to have..My eyes wondered to the attic!

I smiled while jumping to grab a hold of the rope that pulled down the ladder. I meekly climbed the staircase and glanced around, for an attic it was surprisingly bright. Then in the corner of my eye I saw him. Klaus, his alive.. and .. I wouldn't say well. He was chained up, covered in blood and dirt, shirtless and his pants looked as if they had been torn and stomped on.

"Oh my god." I whispered and rushed to his presence. "Klaus? Wake up! Are you okay?"

His eyes met mine for the first time, since he left. I swore I was a glimpse of hope & warmth for a second but it quickly faded, instead he shot me a dark & cold look. "What are you doing here?" He inhaled sharply.

I frowned. "Saving you, thats what!"

"Caroline. Leave now." He ordered and my instantly became curious and afraid.

"Klaus, what is going on?" I asked. "This isn't you. You are the most powerful vampire in history and yet you're chained up in the attic of Sophie, some witch, and Hayley?!" I ranted.

We both suddenly heard voices approaching us and fear consumed me. "Oh no." I gulped.

Klaus nodded towards the corner of the attic where it was dark the most and I ran towards it. I doubt I'll stay hidden in here but its worth a try. Soon enough Sophie climbed up into the attic along with Hayley.

"We had a deal." Klaus roared. He forcefully tugged the chain and set free his left hand. "I told you the consequences if you ever went near her." He warned and tugged on the other chain, setting his right hand free. Klaus stood up slowly and walked towards Sophie menacingly.

"I-It wasn't part of the plan. I promise." Sophie fumbled. "She came here and-"

Sophie was thrown across the room and her back hit the wall. I winced as her body hit the wall. Hayley's shocking expression left Klaus in very good position. Without hesitation, Hayley went flying across the room out through the window. I picked myself up and ran to the now broken window and watched Hayley cringing at the pain.

"Do you think that was necessary?!" I snapped. My back was still turned to hum so I couldn't really see his expression.

Klaus sighed. "I don't care. I didn't stay locked up here for ages just so they can break this deal. Just wait until I see Marcel."

By this time I was completely out of it. Everything he was saying made absolutely made no sense to me. I swirled around to find him looking at me. I crossed my arms suddenly feeling insecure. "Can you please explain?"

He chuckled slightly and walked towards me. "Marcel was the one trying to kill our child. So I made a deal with him; he could take me as his prisoner in exchange for our child's freedom."

I cocked my head to the side and let my arms fall. "I'm still not getting this, so you thought you would fake your death and you would think everything will be okay? That you could just leave me?" I snapped.

He took one step closer. "I thought it was the only logically way for you to stop looking for me, so I asked Elijah to-"

"Wait." I interrupted.

"Elijah was in on this?!"

He nodded slowly.

I sighed deeply. "You are unbelievable."

I brushed passed him and started climbing down the ladder. I heard him call my name but I completely ignored him and headed for the front door. To my surprise, he grabbed onto the handle before I could turn it.

"You need to understand." He explained. "Marcel wasn't after the baby for fun. He wanted revenge on me."

He got me thinking. Our baby's priority has suddenly become more important than his own. He was willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of my baby. On one side I was extremely proud but on the other I was furious that he made me go through what I did.

I sighed in frustration. "Alright. Ca-Can we just talk about this later?" I say tiredly. "I'm exhausted. The baby is taking all my energy."

Klaus nodded and placed his hand on the small of my back, suddenly making me remember his soft touch that sent chills down my spine, and directed me back to the car. I hopped into the passenger seat and he got into the drivers. He drove off and I couldn't help but notice how tense he looked.

"You okay?" I ask drowsily. My head was resting on the glass window with my hand supporting it and my other hand on my stomach.

"Just get some rest love." He says softly.

I did my best to stay awake with him but i eventually dosed off.


A/N: Klaus is alive! woot woot! Of course I would never intentionally kill off a main character!

Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I reckon it was adorable, especially the end..the three off them were finally peaceful for once!

Anyway, please VOTE and COMMENT!!

...possibly FAN!

I love you guys. xoxoxo

Originals (Klaroline)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon