part 41

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I woke up to my phone ringing. Not even seeing who was calling, I answered.
"Liv, finally you pick up your phone, look I'm sorry, please, please forgive me." I hear Nate's voice.
"What the fuck Nate no. You can't just go and cheat on me and expect me to just say it's fine."
"No, it's not fine, I know it's not. I just, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry."
"Didn't know what you were thinking? Lies. You looked really into the make-out session that's for sure, you weren't resisting, hell, you were pulling her closer. Say you're sorry all you want, go cry to Arianna. Fucking fake ass bitch." I say regretting asking her to do the music video.
"I don't want her, I want you, and only you."
"You found out she's weird and annoying didn't you?" I ask.
"Yes I did. Oh my heavens she just talks and talks."
"Well you deal with that, you chose that , over me so , go have fun ."
"Liv what will make you forgive me?"
"NOTHING. Goodbye Nate." I say not allowing him to say another word and hang up the phone then crying into my pillow, quiet enough so Sam won't hear me.

"Liv, you have guest, his name is Richie." Sam yells from downstairs.
"Bring him up." I yell back, seconds later Richie showing up by my doorframe.
"Hey gorgeous." He says smiling and I smile back.
"Hey, your eyes are puffy, have you been crying?" I asks rushing to by my bed side.
"Nonono I just had a really good yawn."
"You're lying, what's wrong?"
"Can we not talk about it? I want it to completely go away. I don't want you thinking I'm still hung up on my ex." I say looking down.
"You can tell me anything, you know that? I won't think any different of you. You need to get it off your chest."
I give in and tell him everything that has happened between me and Nate. He gives me advice and I take it, I realize he really is different, he cares.

"How long are you staying here?" I ask.
"As long as you need." He says.
"Can you stay the night?"
"Yes of course." He says smiling.
I like him, he's always smiling his cute smile.

We decide to mess with the snapchat filters and he takes the cutest picture with the dog filter (above picture).
"Aw cute." I say smiling.
"No these filters suck." He says and we both laugh.
He posts the picture on Instagram with the caption 'these snap filters suck' .

We spend the hole day taking pictures and making videos then watching movies. It was fun. I've never smiled with someone as much as I do with him. I'm truly happy.

It's about 2Am so we lay down and obviously cuddle. He lays higher than me so he can wrap me in his arms. We both drift to sleep.

Author's Note

Okay so should Olivia stay with Richie or slowly go back to Nate? I'm just really in love with Richie right now so I HAD to add him somewhere in the story. He's so cute omg . So yeah comment ideas and what you guys think please so I can make y'all satisfied. Please don't comment like 5 months later cause I'm sure it'll be over by 5 months. Some of y'all do it late and comment ideas late and I already make my mind. 😂 Thank you guys for reading and if you have any ideas about anything , dm me . 💗

Adopted by Omaha boys (a Nate Maloley story)Where stories live. Discover now