Part 39

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I got ready for Me and Sam's brother-sister day. I decided we're gonna eat out at a nice restaurant then play some laser tag after.

"Ready sis?" Sam asks walking into my room.
"Yep. Let me grab my purse then I'll go downstairs."
"Got it." He says then goes downstairs.
I grab my purse them head downstairs too.

We arrive at the restaurant and get seated quickly, surprisingly. After we ate and talked about things I went to go touch up my make-up. On my way over there I was looking down for a second then accidentally ran into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry." We both said at the same time and we both smiled. Holy shit he was hot.
"You should watch out where you're going next time." The guy said smiling and winked.
"I swear I only looked down for a split second." I say and we both laugh.
"Hey you're cute, can I have those digits?" He asked handing me his phone.
I smiled and put my number in and saved my contact as 'Liv 💞😽' then handed him back his phone.
"Alright well I'll text you later cutie."
"I'll be expecting a text." I say winking then walking into the restroom.

I went into the restroom and made sure no one else was in. I got out my phone then called one of my close friends that I've had for years and told her what had happened.
"Awwwweeew cute." She said.
"He was fucking hot dude. Like holy shit man." I said.
"That's good, he'll get, ya know who, off your mind."
"Yeah, hey I gotta go, my brother's probably wondering where I am."
"Alright talk to you later."
"Okay, bye." I said then hanging up the phone the. hurrying to Sam.
"Ready?" He asked and as a nodded I noticed the guy I ran into behind us. I looked back and smiled and noticed Sam looking back too. We walked out then got onto the car.
"Who was that?" Sam asked.
"The guy that you smiled to."
"Oh, some guy I had ran into, he seemed like a nice guy."
"Yeah, that's what you said about Nate."
"No. This one seemed different. He seemed far lien from Nate. Trust me."

When we got home I went up to my room then got a text message. I immediately checked to see who it was, but it was only Nate again with his sorry texts. About 30 minutes later I got another text, from a number I didn't recognize.
'who's this?' I texted then quickly got a text back.
'it's me, the guy you ran into.'
'oh hey, by the way I never got your name'
'it's richie'
'richie, hot name for a hot guy'
'please, you were the hot one'
'haha thanks'
'no problem, hey wanna like go and grab some ice cream or soemthing, have a walk downtown?'
'hmm, sounds great, when ?'
'right now?'
'alright, be there in 10 minutes'
'I'll be by the ice cream place.'

Adopted by Omaha boys (a Nate Maloley story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant