Fired!: Chapter 19

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Aisha's POV:

It was great to be back in Barcelona. It was only week ago since Hachim's injury. He seemed to be getting a little bit better. He's in such a rush to get better though.

He uses his crutches now but soon I feel like he will be able to walk. Poor thing. He is back in Barcelona and I'm glad he's doing better.

"I'm going to work ok?", I said with a big smile. I stopped by his house before I went to work.

"Ok be back quick, I'm bored here", he said reaching for is crutches. I purposely moved them farther away from him.

"I think it's better if you rest ok"

"Ok fine", he pouted and leaned back on his pillow.

I could worry about him all day, but today I had work. I couldn't be late today.

I did the things I normally did, hang out on the felid, write reports, and treat players. That's when I heard a knock on my door.

"Ms Mansoor are you busy?", Ms Andrea asked. Ms Andrea was my files manager she had always been nice to me and normally didn't bother me.

"Um not really", I answered making my towards the door.

"Well apparently the club president wants to speak with you", she looked nervous but I didn't think much of it.

"Ok I'm coming"

"No now", I looked up at her and she looked concerned. I raised my eyebrow perplexed but followed her to the meeting room.

He was always in a good mood which I found interesting the first time I saw him. For a club president he sure seemed happy.

"Good morning Ms Mansoor , you remember me right?"

"How could I forget", a small smile spread across his face.

"Please take a seat", I sat down on the chair in front of him. 

"Ms Mansoor do you have any idea as to why I called you here?"

"Um no not really "

"Could you take a guess?"

"Um a bonus on my check", I said with a wide smile.

"No no, not that ", he said chuckling.

"Well then, since you obviously have no clue why you are here, let me explain. You see it is very simple..... you're fired."

"WHAT?!", I almost fell out my chair.

"No I'm just joking, but you are in a bit of trouble, you see someone called us the other night saying that they saw you at some Malaga game"

"and...", I said more intrigued

"and apparently you were with your boyfriend or something of that sort"

"Ok, with all due respect sir, that's a lie I don't have a boyfriend"

"I understand, but security cameras did capture you there and they did scan your ticket..."

"Yes sir that is true but so what if I went to a game? I mean there is nothing wrong with that!", I retorted. I was beginning to get tired of this.

"No there isn't but there is something wrong with false information like your 'boyfriend', the anonymous person said that he was a player, I'm just here to warn you. Be careful."

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