The Interview: Chapter 5

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Aisha's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing in my ear. I looked over at the time. 7:00 am, it read.

I took a quick shower and pulled out a very professional looking outfit. I dressed in a pair of black pants and a purple shirt. On top I wore a matching suit that came with the whole attire . I put my hair into a perfect bun. I heard a knock on my door as I was fixing my hair.

"Come in !",  I shouted from the bathroom in my room.

"Oh my gosh Aisha!! You look nice", Farhana said with a big smile on her face.

"Really?" I answered feeling a bit uneasy.

"Yeah! Apart from the fact you look like some fancy CEO of an insurance company, you look great!", she said.

We both burst out laughing. I turned around and grabbed a pair of black heels for a little confidence with each step. I made sure to bring all my papers along with me. Farhana and I had the time to get some groceries yesterday. We even made a cooking schedule for who cooks every meal. Today we both made breakfast. I ate and looked at the mirror one last time.

"Are you sure about this?", Farhana asked.

I looked at my reflection carefully.

"Some things you need to sacrifice for what you really want and love", I answered.

She looked at me then nodded her head. I felt weak, a sick feeling in my stomach. I was ready. this was it; any wrong move and I'll lose the opportunity of a lifetime. My interview. Appearance was key and if they don't like what they see, then I'm history. Everything needed to be perfect.


Farhana's POV

Aisha seemed really stressed about this interview. I don't blame her at all though. This was very serious, but I didn't want her to freak out and mess everything up.

"Aisha just relax okay? Everything will go just fine", I reassured her.

"Thank you. I'm just a little nervous about this job", she said.

"Well don't be. Your qualified, experienced, and you look like the perfect person for the job."

"Yeah your right", I answered.

We finally arrived and with each step I could feel Aisha getting tense and to be honest I was getting a little nervous too. I looked at the building we were walking into."FC Barcelona Official Sports Medicine Facility" .  We walked in and our jaws almost dropped with shock. It was so modern. Everything was so detailed and expensive. The doors were custom made with the Barcelona logo imprinted into the glass. We walked in and sat down in the waiting room.

"Ms Mansoor", I heard Aisha's name being called.

"Good luck Aisha", I whispered then hugged her.

"Thank you", she answered and smiled.


Aisha's POV

"Right this way ma'am" , the lady lead me down the hall and into a meeting room. I sat at the large oval table and waited patiently. I heard the door open, and I sat up in my chair. This is it.

"Good morning", two men in a suit opened then shut the door.

"Nice to meet you miss", they both let out their  hands for me to shake. I smiled and professionally shook their hands. I politely greeted them then sat back down. They asked me simple questions like where I was born and why I chose to work at FCB. I knew how to answer every question thrown at me.

"Well I think your perfect for this job" , one of the men said. I recognized him as the club president

"Yes, but their is one catch" said the other man, who I believe was the guy in charge of the sports medicine department

"What?", I answered 

"Well....." They both looked at each other then at me

"You're going to be the first female official sports medic for the team"

"and.....", I asked a little confused

"It's nothing wrong it's just that we really don't know how people might react to this news. So my warning to you is to be careful. Don't do anything that might cost you your job.", said the club president sternly.

"I understand. You don't need to be worried" I reassured them

"Good" they passed me my contact and I read every detail carefully, but just as I was about to sign a ton of cameras and  journalists burst into the room (with permission of course). I smiled and signed the contract. This was it. Here we go.

"Your first day will be next Monday we hope to see you at training", the two smiled and shook my hand. I made my way down the hall to meet Farhana.

"So did everything go good?" She asked a bit nervous. I just looked at her and gave her a huge hug.

"That's it. It's official, I'm living my dream" I answered

We quickly left before the cameras followed us down the hall.

"So what's for lunch ? " Farhana asked

We both burst out laughing.

"No seriously" 

"Fine but it's your turn to cook" I answered

"Aww why can't we just eat out" Farhana said pouting like a little puppy.

"Ok fine, I mean this is a special occasion" 

"Yay!!" Farhana shouted. We both laughed and continued our drive to a nice pizza place downtown.

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