Just Skating: Chapter 9

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Aisha's POV

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ears. Woah, it's 8:30 already?!

I quickly jumped up from my bed and began to get ready. I took a quick shower and changed into my normal ice skating training clothes. I dressed in a pair of comfortable Adidas pants and a matching black and white jacket. Underneath I wore a black T-shirt and put on my regular training shoes. I always took my athletic bag with me, which had my skates, so that I could change at the skate rink.

I ran down stairs and began to eat breakfast. Usually I would wake up Farhana but it was the weekend and we did stay up a little late last night. I felt like what happened last night wasn't even real. It was like some kind of dream.

To my surprise I could hear Farhana's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Good morning", I said as I sipped my glass of orange juice.

"Good morning Aisha", she sat down and pulled up the chair next to me.

"Why are you up so early?", I asked getting up to pour her orange juice too.

"I don't know, I just woke up I guess", she answered as she opened the fridge looking for the milk. She looked like a zombie. Slowly moving through the kitchen looking for an empty glass.

"Well since your awake maybe you could drop me off at the skating rink, because I don't feel like driving".

"Okay, sure it's not like I have anything better to do", Farhana answered sarcastically pointing at her laptop.

"Oh come on, please just drop me off and you can leave, just pick me up after though", I begged like a little kid.

"Okay whatever", she said.

She went back upstairs and changed. I sat down in the living room tying my shoes. She grabbed the keys and we left for the rink. When we arrived she smiled and gave me a quick hug.

"I'll see you soon! Oh and don't forget to say hi to Jase for me!", she said like some kind of mom dropping her child off on the first day of school.

Jase was my... well... kinda cute skate/dance teacher. We both knew each other since we were 15 years old, so it was a really big surprise seeing him in Barcelona. I guess it's a small world as us Americans say.

"Yeah sure, and make sure you answer your phone when I call you to pick me up!"

"Don't worry", she reassured.

"Mmmhmm okay. Remember last time you said that", there was a short silence.

"Okay, okay whatever bye!" , she said trying to shake the thought out of her mind.

I walked into the building and went straight to the locker room I began to change into my usual ice skating clothes. When I made it to the rink I put on my skates and took a deep breath. I looked at my phone only to see a text from Jase.

Hey Aisha! Sorry I'm going to be a little late to practice today, I'll let you know if there are any sudden changes. Thanks! :) ~ Jase

Okay no problem see you soon! ~ Aisha

I looked down at my skates.

"Let's do this" , I said to myself quietly.

I slowly skated into the rink and let out a cold sigh. I began to do a simple figure 8. It felt so weird nobody being around. I felt so free so... happy.

I was now finished with my warm up and I decided to do something a little more challenging. I gathered up all my momentum and leaped into the air. It felt like a hour. Every second. It was beautiful. That was, until I nailed the landing. Literally. One bad twist of my ankle at the wrong time and BANG!!! I fell on the hard ice, straight on my behind.

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