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You're going on a date with Nathan, but you don't know where, it's a surprise. The only thing Nath told you was to wear a plaid shirt, some blue jeans and a pair of boots, which you didn't have, so he bought them for you. You still had no clue where you were going. You heard a knock on the door and went to open it, behind the door appeared a handsome guy. You couldn't stop laughing as you saw what he was wearing, he wore a plaid shirt as well, blue jeans and boots, but what set you off was that he was actually wearing a cowboy hat. "Hi!" You tell Nath while trying to contain your laughter. "Hiya partner!" Nath said, attempting a country accent, but failing as his Gloucester accent accidentally slipped in there. You could not contain your laughter anymore, you little rally laughed out loud. "Rude, much?" He asked you. "S-s-s-orr-y!" You stuttered to say as you were still laughing. Your stomach hurts from all the laughing and you finally stop laughing. "Are you done now?" Nath asks you. "Yeah, sorry, but you never fail to make me laugh, and that's one if the things I like about you." You say, cleaning the tears from your eyes from laughing so hard. Nath smiled a you said that, held your hand and asked, "ready to go?" "Yes!" You answered, still not quite sure, where you were going. You both went in Nath's car, and he drive for at least an hour, until you finally arrived to a place. You got out of the car and went inside. "What's this?" You ask Nath, confused. "It's country lone dancing!" He said, as you now knew why people were dancing, and what they were dancing. "Where'd you get this idea?" You ask Nath as he never mentioned liking country line dancing. "From Footloose!" He replied. "Now that made sense." You thought in your head. A new song started playing and Nath grabbed your hand and took you out onto the dance floor. You didn't know how to country line dance or square dance or anything like that. You try to walk away, when you hear someone say, "C'mon!" You turned around and saw Nath pouting. You gave in and walked back to where he was. People were starting to dance already, and you looked at them as you tried to do the same. You turned to look at Nath to see how well Nathan was doing; he wasn't dancing very well, but he tries, you recognized some of the dance moves from 'Footloose'. But you had to admit, he did dance better than you. As you kept looking at Nath, you became fascinated watching him dance and saw that he was getting a little but better from time to time, but still wasn't that great, but you didn't care. You smiled the whole time as you just payed attention to Nath, he didn't even realize you were gone since he was into the dancing so much.  Nath finally came over to you and said, "why'd you stop?" "I guess he did notice after all." You thought. "I can't dance!" You replied. "I don't care that you can't dance. From what you saw, I think you already know by now that I can't mean either. The only reason I. Roughy us here, is because it looked so fun in 'Footloose' and u just had to try it." He explained. "I did have fun Nath, I was watching you attempt to dance the best you could and that made me smile!" You informed him. He leaned in and gave you a kiss, you smiled in between the kiss and from time to time let out a little giggle, which made Nath smile in between the kiss as well. "You ready to get out here?" Nath said, until he heard a familiar song. "Wait... We have to do this dance. Together!" He told you. You nodded you head. He grabbed your hand and took you to the dance floor again. You thought to yourself," I haven't done the chicken dance since I was little, but it's the only dance I know." The dance started and you both did well. You locked arms and walked in a circle. The time came, when the song went slow, then a bit faster, then faster, and faster, and faster until you couldn't go any faster. When the dance ended, both you and Nath were laughing from all the fun you two had dancing the chicken dance. Nath put his hand up in the air, wanting you to give him a high five, you do and he doesn't let go of your hand, he leans in and gives you a passionate kiss and you start to enjoy it. The kiss finally ends and you leave, holding hands with a big smile on your face.

- hope you enjoyed it, sorry it's late! :)

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