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You're getting ready to have a barbecue with Nath and the rest of the lads at the park. Nath picks you up and you both walk to the park. Everybody is already there and you can smell the food cook. It smelled wonderful. Kelsey was sitting next to Tom on the floor, Siva and Nareesha sat close together on a bench seat. Max was cooking the meat and Jay was making a huge salad for everybody, including himself. The meat was already done as Max yelled, "Who wants to eat!" We all sat at the table and had some chicken and a hamburger and a little bit of salad. Jay ate most if the salad and a few fruits he brought over. Everyone shared stories of one another and laughed. The sun was about to set, you all sat down on the grass, on the small hill and watched the sun set. You laid your head on Nath's shoulder and said, "isn't this perfect?" "It sure is Nathan responded. "Especially 'cause in with you!" He added. You blushed and let a little giggle escape from your mouth. As the sun was almost finished setting, Nath leaned towards you and kissed you on the lips. You kissed him back and you both slowly kissed each other. Sparks flew as you guys kissed. It was dark already and you could see a few stars out. "You guys want a ride back home?" Tom asked. "No thanks!" Nath answered. "'Kay! Bye, see you later!" Tom said as he walked the opposite direction, to Kelsey and the others in the car. You both wave goodbye to him. Nath holds your hand and you both walk together under the moonlight, Nathan steals skis from your lips and you kiss him in the nose. You laugh as Nath tries to attempt to tell jokes and you both end the night in a great mood.

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