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To: @Swaggylicious1D

ENJOY!!! :) xx


You're getting ready to go to a The Wanted concert as Nathan invited you to come along. You couldn't wait, you've never been to a concert before and you couldn't wait to see them live and plus Nath invited you, how could you say 'No!' to that. You arrive at the arena and you realize that your seat is up front. "I'm so lucky!" You think to yourself. The seats start to get filled with more and more fans. The lads finally come out. "Are you ready to have a good time?" Tom asks the crowd. "Yeah!" The crowd screams including yourself. They start off with 'Glad You Came'! You got shivers every time Nathan sang his parts and you caught him staring at you quite a few times. They sing do many of their songs, 'Chasing The Sun', 'All Time Low', 'Lie To Me', 'Walks Like Rihanna', 'Heart Vacancy', 'Gold Forever'! The concert is coming to an end and they sing their last song, 'I Found You'! As it heads to Nathan's sole he points to you and motions for you to come up. You do as he says, feeling so excited. Nath sings his solo, "I said people, we're all looking for love tonight, but sometimes we can't see it, we're all blinded by the light, and we all get low, all get low! Searching for that peace of mind, just when I have given up, looking for some kind of sign! That's when I found you, you, you! I found you, you, you! I found you, you, you!I found you, you, you!" As he sang all of this, his eyes never looked away from you the entire time he sang this. The song ended and Nathan gives an announcement, "Before we say goodnight to all of you, I have a small announcement to make, "I'm in love with this girl right here!" He shouts and points to you. Everyone awes! "Will you be my girl?" Nath asks you, the microphone still near his mouth. Everyone in the audience stays quiet as they wait for your answer. You cover your mouth with your hands, tears coming out of your eyes and you nod your head! Nath hugs you and kisses you on the lips! The fans awe! "Goodnight everybody! Hope you had a great time!" Nathan says. They leave one by one. You and Nath hold hands as you get down from the stage and give each other a kiss on the lips.

          —Hope you loved it! :) xx

P.S. tweet me if you want more imagines: @romo_valeria

P.S.S. ;) xx

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