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You've been friends with Nath and Jay for quite a while now. You thought that they were both cute and you loved their relationship 'Jaythan' and you shipped them. You've always had these deep feelings inside for them, but if you ever came to a decision you wouldn't be able to choose who, but it would probably be Nath. You would love to tell them, but you don't want to ruin your relationship and you don't want things to be awkward and chaotic between you guys. The other reason was that you, didn't think they would feel the same towards you and that they'll only see you as a pal! "Hey!" You tell both Nath and Jay as you walk into their flat. "Hey!" Nath says. "Heeey!" Jay screams running to give you a hug. You laugh at Jay in a good way. "So, what are we going to do today?" You ask them. "Well, none of the other lads are here as both Tom and Siva are on a double date with their girlfriends, and Max went to visit Jack, his brother." Nathan informed you. "So, we are going to watch movies, we just have to make a lot popcorn if we're going to get through all these movies!" Jay tells you as he's holding eight movies, one of them being 'Avatar' of course. You all get ready, popcorn bowls full to the top. You all watched 'Avatar' as Jay wanted to watch it so very much. You all got through the movie and you fell asleep as the fifth movie was halfway over. You fell asleep on Nathan's shoulder and as you were sleeping Nath kept staring at you and and with his fingers m, he pushed back a piece of your hair away from your face, after he did that he smiled at you. Jay wasn't paying attention to what Nath was doing as he was paying attention to the movie, but when he turned his head, he saw what Nathan was doing and he grew jealous. "Stop that Nath!" Jay screams out of nowhere. "Why?" Nath asks Jay. "Because." He responded. "Because what?" Nathan asked. "Just because!" He bellowed. "That's your reason!" Nath says. "Not like you have a better one!" Jay tells him.  "We'll, actually I do! I LOVE HER!" Nath bellowed. "Well, I love her, too!" He yells back at Nath. "Leave her alone!" Nath says as he pushes Jay. "No! You leave her alone!" He tells Nath as he pushes him back. You start to wake up from all the noise they are making, you see that they are fighting. "WOAH! WOAH! WOAH!!" You scream standing invetween them. "What's going on?" You ask, looking back and forth at both of them waiting for an explanation. "We're both in love with you!" Nathan informs you. Your jaw drops, as you can't believe this. You pinch yourself, making sure if you are awake or if its just a dream. "Well... Say something!" Jay says. "I feel the same way towards both of you." You tell them and then both if their jaws dropped at the same time. "Well... Who do you love more?" Try both say at the same time. You're still not sure, but you go through your thoughts and remember all the times you shared with them, all the cuppa teas with Nath, all the 'Avatar' watching and talking about with Jay, all the laughs you shared with each of them, and so many more thoughts. You finally came to the conclusion and said, "It's you Nath! I love you!" He smiles and runs towards you. Jay's face saddens, but then he smiles and says, "You're a lucky one Nath. And your lucky to have someone like Nath!" Jay tells you both. "Friends?" Nath asks. "Yes!" Jay responds. Jay punches Nath on the arm an you smile, knowing that 'Jaythan' is back and in for the long run. You look at Nath and he gives you a kiss on the cheek, you return the favor, but in the lips. All three of you go back to watching the movies and have a great time together as beasties.

-Hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it took do long, but I tried to make this as best as it could.

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