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Valeria Romo


Me, Myself, & I

To: @villaevelyn03
ENJOY! ;) xx


You're at the mall, on a random day. You just had to get out of the house and do something, and also because you're mom begged you to get off of your phone for at least one day since you're on it 24/7. You're walking around the mall, when you spot someone familiar. You walked a little closer just to be certain. Oh. My. Goodness. You couldn't believe it; it was Nathan Sykes. You thought it might have been him, but weren't quite sure, but now you know that it is him. A big grin forms on your face, you not knowing that you were grinning like an idiot. Nathan sees you staring at him and he smiles. You turn away feeling both embarrassed and awkward at the exact same time. You try to walk the opposite direction, when you feel someone hold onto your wrist. You turn around and see that it is Nath. Another huge grin forms on your face. Nath can't help, but laugh a little. You're thinking in your head, "Why is he laughing?" "You're smile is so beautiful, pardon me if I can't help, but laugh like an idiot!" He informs you as if he was reading your mind. You smile at the compliment he just gave you. A giggle escapes your mouth as you see Nathan looking at you. You feel embarrassed. "You have the cutest giggle I've ever heard in my entire life." Nathan tells you. You can't help, but giggle once again. As you do this, Nathan has a smile on his face. You notice the smile on his face and you start to blush. Knowing he was the reason that you started to blush, he starts to blush as well. "I'm guessing you already know who I am! But just to be on the safe side, hi, I'm Nathan!" You just stare at him wondering, "Is he talking to me?" You look behind you and there's no one there, you point to yourself and Nath nods his head. Your mouth just drops down as your in shock that the 'Nathan Sykes' was talking to you. "You're a shy one aren't you?" Nath asks a rhetorical question. You're still in shock. Nath waves his hand in front of your eyes, but it has no affect. He claps his hands in front of your face, and it as well does not have an affect on you. He tries to think of what can 'unparalyze' you. He finally finds the solution, he leans towards you and kisses you on your cheek. That seemed to 'unparalyze' you. You shake your head, place your hand on your head and ask, "What just happened?" Nath responds, "I kissed you on the cheek, so I could unfreeze you. "What?!" You said feeling sad that you missed that, but then you become happy and overwhelmed. You couldn't believe it and once again you were in shock and you're jaw dropped again. Nathan saves time by just kissing you on the lips and hoping that it will bring a long lasting affect to you. He's on your lips, you come to and as Nathan finished and pulls himself away, you pull him back in, wanting a longer kiss and one that you can remember. Nath seems surprised as you could tell by the look on his face, but he joined in. "It isn't everyday that I get to kiss a pretty girl on the lips and the cheek." He thought to himself.  The kiss slowly comes to an end. You wipe your lip and Nath says, "You're a sly one, aren't you?" Once again asking a rhetorical question. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about!" You innocently say, but he knew you were lying he could see it in your eyes. He gives you a state until you finally cave in, "Okay! Okay! But I was surprised that you kissed me. It was in between the kiss that I thought I should keep kissing you even longer. As I knew the kiss would come to an end eventually." "I knew it! You're so cheeky!" He tells you. You blush, "I'm sorry, but it's not my fault that I've been waiting for that to happen my entire life! And it's not my fault that you have soft lips!" "Thanks!" Nath says. "Look whose being cheeky now!" You say laughing. Now he starts to blush. "It's so weird, no ones ever made me blush this much like you do!" Nath tells you, which so happens to make you blush back. "Same here!" You inform him, when a girl accidentally bumps into you and says, "Watch where you going dumbass!"  You roll your eyes at her. She saw you, "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" "Duh!" You tell her. You could tell she was furious. Her hand was clenched into a fist getting ready to punch you in the face. Her hand was in the air, ready to take aim, when her fist was about to aim at your face, Nathan cleared his throat! Was it any more obvious; Nathan did that in purpose as he saw that the girl had a shirt that said, "Mrs. Nathan Sykes". It only mentioned Nath and nine of the other lads, you could tell she was a a snooty 'Wannabe'! She turned towards him and said, " OMG! My future husby!" It made you want to puke. "What are you doing with this ugly, stupid, disgusting girl and did I mention ugly?" You were hurt by those words as it really stung and remembered back to your childhood when everyone used to say, "Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me!" And you thought to yourself, "lies, that's a huge piece of bullshit!" You start to cry, Nath sees the and says, "How date you say that!" He grabs your hand and holds onto it and continues talking, "She is beautiful, inside and outside! I could say the least about you!" Your face lightens up. Her face turns to anger into shock. Security escorted her out. And as they pull her out of the mall, she screams out, "You're not good enough for him! You never will!" This makes your face drop into sadness. "Don't believe what she says! You're not any of those things! You're beautiful!" Nathan assures you! "Thanks, but she's right I'll never be good for you or anyone as a matter of fact!" "Don't talk like that,! And no she's wrong! You are beautiful an any guy would love to be with a beautiful girl like you!" He reassures you. "Thanks, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't!" You inform him. "Actually I would, I would be lucky to have someone like you!" He informs you. This makes you blush more than ever before. "Thanks!" You tell him. "I wish to have a guy like you Nath!" You inform him. Nath comes closer to you and whispers in your ear, " Can I tell you a secret?" You nod your head. "You already have me!" As he says thus you get shivers down your spine and goosebumps on your arms. "Since when?" You think. Nath continues, but this time he doesn't whisper it, "You might be thinking 'Since when?'" And it was like he was reading your mind once again. " when I kissed you on the check, there was a small spark, I didn't think highly of it, but when I kissed you're lips and you kissed me back, I felt a huge spark, like fireworks and that's when I realized it had to mean something. And when that girl was making fun if you and calling you names I felt like I had no other choice, but to try to protect you by defending you! When I held your hand, it sent both sparks and butterflies to me! That's when I realized that you must be the one! And that rarely happens to people!" He finished explaining. He is two steps way from you and there are hundreds if people around you, but he is the only one you see, the only one you pay attention to! "I felt the same!" You say! Nath steps closer and puts his arms around your waist and kisses your lips, you kiss his lips back and you both enjoy this. There's so much passion happening from this one little kiss. Nath stops kissing you and you looked worried. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks you. You respond," YES! I would love to!" And a huge grin comes across his face as well as yours and he gives you a hug, picking you up and spinning you around. And once again he gives you a huge bear hug. You sit on a bench and he puts his arm around you and you're both glad to be at each other's side.

                      -Hope you loved it, sorry I had to put that mean stuff, I just wanted to show how Nath always defends himself and others toward haters.
P.S. if you want more imagines tweet me: @romo_valeria
P.S.S. took forever to write this, but I hope you enjoy it! :) xx

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