Chapter Twenty

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   I’ll never forget that night, the night that we all lost people we loved. For as long as I live I will never forget Amy’s beautiful smile that could light up the room, or how she was a little know it all. I will never forget how she used to mother me and always look out for me, I will never forget how she changed and used to bully Clover, it is only now I understand, she did it because she was jealous. I will never forget how she was the smallest, girliest person to walk this earth yet one of the strongest; I will never forget how her life was cruelly taken and how she died in my arms.

   I’ll never forget April, the mysterious wife of Thomas. Her black as night hair and her tiny delicate lips. In the little time I knew her we only spoke once and that was when she showed me how to strengthen my power when using throwing knives. I just wish I could have used that strength to save her life.

   I’ll never forget Emily, the beautiful vampire who saved me from the dark, the woman I loved as a mother; she was everything my birth mother wasn’t. I’ll never forget how brave and loving she was to us all but mostly to Elijah, the man she lived for the man she relied on. I’ll never forget how he was the one to take her life.

   I’ll never forget Diego, no matter how much I want to. His cruel ways and long straggly black hair and they way he tore my family apart, wherever he is now I hope it’s hell and I hope he’s burning.

   I’ll never forget Elijah, a man I saw as my father, a man who really was too good to be true. In every one’s eyes he was our hero our guardian, a man we could look up to and aspire to be. But I have learnt from this that not everyone is as they seem.

   That night changed me and my remaining family. Thomas Ivory, Lewis Ivory, Devon Ivory, Clover Ivory, Jaden Wynters, Angel Wynters and me Scarlett Wynters. There are so many unanswered questions, so many truths to be told, so many secrets yet to unearth, there’s still a long way to go. I don’t know what obstacles we will have to overcome next but all I know is after that, we are definitely not ready anymore.  

(A/N: Phew! After 30,332 words and 61 microsoft word pages Scarlett Nights Part Two is officially over! Don't worry my little vampires there will be a part three which will probably be third and final! thankyou so much for your support and please contuinue to spread the word of Scarlett Nights! Thank you!!!)

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