Chapter Seventeen

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(A/N: the whole truth is unveiled in this chapter and some new characters. Scarlett Night is nearing its finale!)


   I knew it was a matter of time before they returned but this was the complete wrong time for anything like this. I ran to the front room only to be scooped up by Lewis.

   “Sorry Scarlett you need to sit this one out I’m afraid.” Lewis said sternly and dropped me on my back in the hallway.

   I grumbled at him and made sure he could feel me anger, what are they going to do fight for me?

   “No you can’t join in Jaden said that these guys cannot and will not take you okay?”

   I snarled at him.

   “Fine whatever don’t look at me like that, you can fight but if they kill you it’s your fault – idiot.”

   I shrugged him off and barged my way through the guys in the living room and threw the front door open, it was dusk now so the remaining sun should reflect of the skins if the vampires. I looked around and saw no one around, I ran through the snow and ran to my right where the highest mountain was and I saw them all perched on the top.

   “There’s miss red head.” One of them hissed.

   “Let’s get her!” Another whispered.

   “Not yet wait for her friends to try and save her then kill them all, we must have her strengths for our coven.” The leader from before was staring right at me as if I couldn’t hear him, they must be underestimating me.

   “I can’t go with you I’m afraid,” my voice was husky after not speaking for months but I knew they could hear me, “You see my name is Scarlett Wynters and my home is here.” I stared them in the face daring them to come near, how dare they come here.

   “Ooh she is a smart one.” The first smiled.

   “It’s true Elijah said she was strong.” The leader whispered and smirked at me.

   I didn’t understand Elijah? Did he know these people? How?

   “Scarlett! You’re so stupid! Get inside!” I ignored Amy’s shouts and I ran full speed at the mountain where they were perched, they had to be destroyed before they hurt my family.

   “Here she comes let’s get ready...” A voice whispered from the peak, there were five vampires there; yeah I could take them all.

   “What the?” The Wynters and Ivory’s seemed shocked at my violent turn but joined the fight anyway.

   The strange coven jumped from the mountain and flew past us but it was all in slow motion, they fell to our eye level and we all pounced off the mountain and onto a vampire to take them down. We landed with them facing the floor however it wasn’t over; the fight was long and bloody. At the foot of the mountain we managed to kill only two of the vampires in an hour, we were all exhausted it’s clear we underestimated the vampires. But we were still going strong, we were all on vampires fighting there was blood everywhere and eventually I let my guard slip.

   “NOW!” I heard a shout from behind me and then I saw blackness.


   Death, I could smell it. It was everywhere, the stench of rotting flesh all around me. I tried to open my eyes but nothing would happen, where was I? I took another deep breath through my nose and regretted it as I was hit with the smell of decaying humans. I tried and succeeded at opening my eyes; I blinked and waited for my eyes to focus. What happened? My eyes focused and I was lying on my left side on the floor, the floor was hard, metal like and cold. I slowly sat up and looked around me; I was in a black metal cage which was suspended from the ceiling and about three metres from the floor, the ceiling was rock, rugged like the roof of a cave. Was I underground? The room was dark and cold but lit in each corner of the grey mud brown room was a large fire. The grey stone floor was bloodstained and every few metres there was a rotting human corpse.

Scarlett Nights - Part Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن